THREE ✴ Powers in a Gun Fight

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       Within seconds, there was a loud sound of thundering footsteps from upstairs causing Travis to pause, glancing up at the roof in confusion when distant yelling could be heard. Then, the doors were suddenly thrown open and police officers in bullet proof vests came rushing in with their guns drawn.

       "Get down on the ground and put your hands behind your head!" several officers yelled, spreading out through the room.

       Mila panicked, watching as the chaos suddenly erupted. Travis stumbled away from Jason who pulled out his own gun, aiming it at him.

       "Get down on the ground!" Jason yelled at him.

       Travis had his hands up, frozen in his spot.

       "Gun!" someone suddenly yelled from across the room.

       The sound of the gunshot was deafening and enough to make everyone in the room run for cover. Mila immediately ran towards the pillars behind the tables, getting behind one of them in fear as more shots could be heard. She knew Travis and his men carried guns, so they had to have been the ones shooting at police.

       She saw other workers running for cover and she yelped in fear as more gunshots rang out. The officers were yelling, telling everyone to drop their weapons. Mila stayed frozen in her spot, looking around the pillar to see if she could somehow escape the room.

       An officer suddenly tackled one of the men down onto the tables where she was counting cash, causing it to flip over and the money to end up all over the floor. The man suddenly brought his hand to the officer's head and a green light appeared from it, causing the officer to scream out in pain and fall to the ground, clutching his head.

       In the distance, she saw Jason take down Travis, who Mila knew had the ability to cause confusion if you looked into his eyes. Jason must have known at too because he sent a bolt of current running through Travis without looking directly at him, causing the man to drop to the ground.

       Hunter was closer to her, she watched as he punched a man before delivering a kick, wrapping his leg around the man and bringing him down to the ground with one twist. Another man suddenly noticed them and aimed his gun, and Mila gasped.

       "Look out!" she yelled.

       Hunter's eyes shot to hers before a shot rang out. To Mila's shock, he noticed it right on time. Raising a hand, the area in front of it shifted slightly and become transparent, as if an optical illusion was messing with the light in front of him. Like forming a shield, Hunter had stopped the bullet before it reached him, making it fall to the ground.

       He was also a kinetic.

       Then, he shot out his other hand and the gun flew from the man's hand into his own. He then dropped his shield and sent an invisible force of power towards him, sending the offender flying back into the wall hard.

       Hunter dove for cover behind one of the fallen tables as he checked the magazine of the gun before snapping it back into place. He did it so easily, clearly having had a lot of practice before beginning to shoot at others.

       Mila held her breath for a moment as she looked around. She was at the back of the room, and the only way out was to run through the gun fight to get to the front.

       Suddenly, one of Travis' men ran up from the other side of the room with an officer in tow going after him. The man shot at him before and he immediately backed off, going for cover. The man suddenly made eye contact with her and Mila's heart dropped.

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