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Someone was shaking my shoulder, I sat bolt upright screaming and the vase full of flowers shattered as my eyes flashed gold. I was shivering and covered in sweat, my heart was pounding and I was gasping trying to get that image out of my head; every time I closed my eyes I saw my brother's lifeless body Arthurs heart wrenching scream ringing in my ears, though as much as that scared me the fact that I had seen Ramsey standing over them laughing had been even worse. 

I shook my head trying to clear it, I took a deep breath and opened up our soul bond. 

Yes I was being paranoid but could you blame me? Every time I leave my brother alone something goes wrong. I yawned as I felt that Merlin was asleep and I sighed, ugh of course he was asleep. 

I blinked noticing that my candles were still lit, frowning I noticed that it was still the middle of the night and I grumbled and then jumped as someone cleared their throat. My head shot up and I noticed Sefa and Freya standing by the bed giving me an apologetic looks.

"Sorry my lady but you were screaming in your sleep we thought you needed help" I blinked in confusion, we? That's when I noticed that Sir Leon was in the room clearly uncomfortable and I groaned. 

Great. Just. Great. 

Not caring about the fact that I was in my night clothes I threw of my covers Leon quickly looking away.

"I apologise I should not have barged in my lady. If you are ok I shall leave" he said looking like he wanted to bolt anyway and I laughed nodding at Freya who shooed him out of the door. 

I stood up and Sefa quickly rushed over to me, before she could say anything I waved her off and she rolled her eyes at me but let me get dressed on my own. It seems that word had already gotten around that Merlin and I were royalty, I grumbled that's the one thing that I had forgotten about. Servants heard everything whither you mean them to or not, plus Morgana had requested for me to have a maid so it shouldn't have been much of a surprise when I found Sefa outside my door expecting her orders. I had promptly rolled my eyes and told her to go home that I would not be needing a servant, apparently she had been hanging out with Merlin too much because she outright refused and had helped me get ready for bed turning down the sheets and then telling me that she would just be in the ante chamber if I needed anything.

Once dressed I headed out of my chambers not even paying attention to where my feet were taking me until I felt the chill of the wind blow through my cloak and I blinked wrapping it tighter around me as I found myself on the training field. 

It was only a few hours before dawn but as much as I wanted to I couldn't train in this light, though I could just use my magic. My thoughts were spinning with questions all of them involving Thea, I didn't think it was a coincidence that Sir Lancelot and Sir Gawain had turned up now especially with some of the rumours that had been flying around recently. 

I was worried, I mean we had both been kids when we had fled Thea, our people probably thought we were dead. I was pretty sure that Ramsey wouldn't have tolerated any rumours that we had survived and would one day return. I sighed and turned to head back to the castle when I caught someone creeping through the courtyard, I frowned what was going on? 

This person was clearly up to no good so I shrugged and decided to follow, they went straight through the castle and I grumbled; we really needed to do something about the guards, they can't just let anybody through especially someone who was clearly being a sneak. 

As I followed them through the castle I realised that they had a destination in mind so they were obviously familiar with the castle which didn't bode well, I couldn't help but admire the way that they managed to avoid everybody including the patrolling guards. 

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