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The battle for Thea had begun. 

Athena charged heading towards the courtyard gates taking half of Camelot's army with her, Arthur was lead to one of the secret passages underneath Thea the Knights of the Round Table going with him whilst Merlin took the other half of Camelot's army and charged towards the caves. Gwen was helping Gaius set up tents for the wounded as the battle raged around them, Morgana was darting here and there weakening Ramsey's army with her magic and killing any soldier who got in her way as she blasted a path towards the castle. 

Soon the army of Camelot was joined by the rebels and true knights of Thea who wore purple cloaks stating that their loyalty was to the house of Balinor and not Ramsey, this gave them a slight advantage over Ramsey though it wouldn't last long. Athena was battling her way through the lower town parrying blows and occasionally using her magic but she was worried and kept glancing around as if she was searching for someone, no one had seen Ramsey yet and it was making the princess nervous. The army of Camelot slowly pushed forward gaining ground as Ramsey's men backed up little by little calling for reinforcements. 

Merlin skidded to a halt in the dragons cave gasping for breath and ignoring the pain in his side, as quick as he could he darted around the chamber cutting through the dragons chains setting them free. Not waiting to see what they did he ran to the next chamber doing the same before he started to make his way back to the main battle. A blast of magic threw several of Camelot's soldiers of their feet and Morgana glanced up from dealing a death blow to an enemy soldier and swiping the hair out of her face, her eyes widened when she recognised the figure standing on top of one of the castle towers. She glared at her half-sister though she knew that Morgause wouldn't be able to see it and started running towards the castle throwing soldiers of their feet and killing those who dodged her spells making her way to the castle. Athena hissed in pain when a sword slashed across her arm and she spun her blade tearing through the flesh of an enemy soldier, she was heaving for breath and covered in blood, grime and sweat but she had never felt more alive. She was taking back her kingdom, she had almost reached the courtyard gates when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye and she stabbed the soldier in front of her earning a small reprieve allowing her to take a look and she gasped in horror. 

Ramsey was standing on top of one of the hills that surrounded Thea's farm land, it wasn't her cousin that worried her though it was what she was seeing behind him. An army twice the size of the one they were currently dealing with came charging down the hill and Camelot's army suddenly found themselves fighting on two fronts as they were charged from behind. Athena growled and redoubled her efforts to take the front of the castle, praying that Merlin had gotten to the dragons and wondering how Arthur was faring. As the rest of Ramsey's army got closer the knights of Camelot started to realise that these men currently charging towards them were not knights, they were bandits. Athena started yelling orders directing half the army to turn and fight the bandits while the other half continued to fight the soldiers in the lower town. Arthur and his knights had managed to sneak into the castle intending to head to the throne room so that they could deal with Ramsey unfortunately they got caught as they came out of one of the corridors and found themselves facing at least a hundred or so mercenaries, yelling in defiance Arthur charged battling his way through the corridors of Thea's castle and wondering how the hell Ramsey had gotten so many men.

As the day wore on it started to rain pouring in torrential sheets as the battle continued with Camelot making slow progress through the lower town, Ramsey had been seen here and there killing Camelot and Thea's soldiers (those with purple cloaks) by stabbing them in the back as he came up behind them taking the cowards' way out. He was trying to get to his cousin as she battled her way to the courtyard gates getting closer with every step, another blast of magic tore through the battle and Ramsey grinned as he heard several screams as red capes caught fire. Athena and her men had reached the courtyard having blasted the gates of their hinges when another wave of Ramsey's reinforcements charged from around the castle and Athena cursed wondering where the hell their own reinforcements were. 

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