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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys I'll keep this brief. I do not own Merlin all rights go to the BBC. I own the plot and two OC characters the rest belong to the BBC. I use different P.O.V so make sure you read the top to see how you are reading. 


Merlin sighed as he finished turning down King Arthur's bed, Arthur grumbled looking over at his manservant concern flickering in his gaze. Merlin had not been himself all day and he was slightly worried for his friend, as much as Arthur would hate to admit it he does care for his servant probably more than he should. Merlin could feel Arthur watching him, Arthur probably had some other chore for him to do so biting back the growl that was rising in his throat he turned to look at his King raising an eyebrow only for it to turn into a confused look when he saw the concern on Arthurs face.                                                                                                                                       

"Is everything ok Merlin?" Arthur asked and Merlin frowned before chuckling 

"I was just about to ask you that" Arthur smiled at him. 

"You just seem a little on edge today is all I wondered if there's a problem" Arthur said and Merlin winced. 

Yes there was a problem but one he couldn't tell the King about. 

Today was an anniversary of sorts for Merlin and he was always on edge every time it came around, no matter how much he tried to hide it, today marked the tenth summer of his kingdoms fall. It was also the day when he had lost his entire family, Merlin had been the only one to survive the attack on his kingdom. Merlin didn't want to hide who he was from his friend but he knew that if Uther had ever found out that the Prince of Thea was living in Camelot he would be dead for sure, everybody knew that the Kingdom of Thea was full of magic users and it was said that the royal Prince and Princess were the most powerful sorceress to have been born in three hundred years. 

It was a well-known tale in Camelot albeit a cautionary one as Uther led them to believe that it had been magic that had torn apart the kingdom not the fact that they had been betrayed by one of their own. Even though Uther had been dead for years Merlin still couldn't bring himself to tell Arthur who he was, Merlin's eyes well with tears as he thinks of his long dead twin sister, and he curses quickly turning from Arthur who had stood up from his desk the moment he had seen the brightness in his manservant's eyes. 

Merlin tensed trying to hold back his sobs seeing his sister's face in his mind, she was the one death he couldn't get over. They were twins after all and when he had fled the kingdom without her having been forced to leave his twin behind it had almost killed him and even know he could barley think about her without chocking on his tears. It was like he had been living as a shell of himself like a piece of his soul was missing, even when he had meet Arthur and he had felt like a small piece of him had returned he still didn't feel complete though Gaius always said that it was just his grief, Merlin had never been so sure.

He jumped when a warm hand landed on his shoulder and he was gently turned to face King Arthur.                              

"Merlin what's wrong?" 

There was clear concern in Arthur's voice but Merlin refused to look at him, Arthur didn't know anything about his heritage, he had no idea that Merlin was an heir just like he was, Merlin took a deep breath and looked up at Arthur giving his friend a small strained smile.                                          

"Nothing Arthur I'm sorry to have worried you I'm ok really" Merlin said and ignored the way his heart doubled being so close to the King. 

Merlin patted Arthur on the shoulder and gently detached himself from his friends arm, Arthur frowned at him clearly not believing him but he sighed and let the subject drop though Arthur kept a concerned gaze on Merlin as he finished doing his chores and then quietly left. 

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