Chapter Forty-Five: Controlled Chaos

Start from the beginning

"I've never done this," she whispered in a slightly panicked tone.

Festus crossed his arms. "If you want to be married, we have to follow the procedure. Fresh start and all. Just get it over with and we can move on with the rest."

Nick sighed and took the writing implement which Simon offered up. There was punching the Emperor, lying, dabbling in lunar cultism. The near blinding of one, no two people. He'd stolen a few things as well. Books. Alcohol. Talia's heart. That was about all the sins he could think of. Talia was still working on her list when he cast his into the flames. After another minute, she quickly tossed it into the fire with an awkward smile.

The Flare extended his hands. "Now you have purified yourselves, you can be united forever within the Eternal Spark. Join hands and face each other."

They obeyed the instructions. Festus then went on a long-rehearsed spiel from the book about the responsibility of marriage and how they should be devoted to one another. He invoked the names of several prior Flame Weavers including Lucia, Junia, Subri and Titus, imploring them to bless the union. Nick wasn't entirely paying attention, his mind fixed on Talia. He snapped out of it when Festus called Simon for the rings.

"Take these silver bands as a sign of your fidelity. Let them be a reminder of your love and ward against evils lurking in the shadows. May the doom of Amos never find its way to your door."

They slipped on the rings. He instructed them to stand still and answer 'I do' to the following statements. He reached out and tugged at the dying flames on the cauldron as if grabbing something from a jar. Then with a sweep of his hands a rising circle of flames surrounded the two of them.

He asked several questions, if they came willingly, in full knowledge and with the intent to wed. They answered in the affirmative on all of them. He went through a further litany about if they were willing to trust, aid and love each other for all their days. They responded affirmatively to all. After the final 'I do' Festus sweep his arms up and the flames were sucked up toward the ceiling taking the form of a bird whose wings outstretched over them. He clenched his fists and with a flap of its wings the bird went up in a poof of smoke.

"By the power vested in me by the Cevarian Empire and the Order of Flame Weavers, I pronounce you husband and wife." After a short pause he added. "You can kiss now."

They did until Festus coughed to get their attention. He beckoned them forward to sign a few documents with Simon which felt rather mundane after the pomp of the wedding ceremony.

"Thanks for putting all this together Festus," Talia said, wrapping an arm around Nick. "Is there anything we can do to pay you back?"

"I think a few rounds at the Sickly Moon for your dedicated Flare wouldn't go unappreciated," he said with a chuckle. "You can put it on Jan's tab."

"I need to speak to your husband for a moment, Go enjoy your adoring public."

Talia sat down on the bench and chatted excitedly with the younger Flame Weavers while he and Festus looked on. The old man ushered him to the other end of the room.

"What's this about?" Nick asked, adjusting the bulky robes he was still wearing. "And why did you think it'd be a good idea to bring Simon along for this?"

The rotund Flare frowned. "That's partially what I wanted to talk about. I recently reconnected with an old friend form the Inquisition and there's concern the boy may be in danger."

A Light in the Darkness Book: The Moonlight MurdererWhere stories live. Discover now