Chapter 38 : Peter Petigrew

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A/N.  Sorry that the last couple chapters haven't been very good. I was kind of having writers block. That's why it took me so long to upload them, and this one too. Please forgive me. Happy reading :)

"We should probably get back up to the castle," I thought, whipping my tears.

"Ahh," Ron yelped before I could get a chance to say anything. He dropped Scabbers and the little fury rat, scurried away, wagging its tail back and forth.

"Scabbers," Ron gasped, holding his finger, "he bit me, Scabbers!"

Ron then proceeded to run off after his pet as the three of us stared at him in confusion.

"Ron," I called out to him but he just kept running.

"Ron!" Hermione yelled and the three of us ran after him.

We followed Ron as he ran off, chasing his rat through the grounds. We reached a small hill and Ron finally caught Scabbers. Hermione ran up to him, kneeling beside him to make sure he was okay. I looked up. It's starting to get dark. I also noticed something else as I looked up.

"Harry," I fretted, shaking his arm, "you do know what tree this is."

It was the Whomping Willow.

"That's not good," Harry panicked, "Ron, Hermione run!"

Ron looked up at us and fear immediately crept upon his face.

"Harry, Elizabeth run! It's the grim!"

We both turned around rapidly, to a big black furry dog, growling before us. I grabbed Harry's hand in fear as the dog crept forward. Harry immediately pulled me out of the way and fell down onto the floor, me landing on top of him. The dog pounced forwards, grabbing ahold of Ron's leg.

"Ron!" I yelled, attempting to run after him but Harry held me back, both of us still on the floor. Instead, Hermione ran after him, but ended up getting caught by the dog herself.
We heard Ron scream in pain as he traveled through and under the Whomping Willow.

We both stood up, but were soon hit by one of the tree's branches, sending us flying backwards. We landed on the ground next to each other with a groan of pain and Harry immediately stood up, bringing me with him.

"Come on," Harry muttered and we both ran back up to the tree. We dodged each branch by millimetres, eager to get to our friends.

Suddenly, I was hit in the stomach, screaming as I was flown up into the air. I held on to the branch that whacked me tightly, screaming at the top of my lungs. I could see Harry on the floor, searching around for his glasses that had fallen off. He stood up, now with his glasses on and I flew down, still holding onto the branch and still screaming.

When I was close enough, I grabbed his shirt, pulling him round with me. When the timing was right, I threw him into the hole that Ron and Hermione were dragged into.

I was swung around in the air some more until the perfect time came and I let go of the branch, falling through the bottom of the tree.

I fell forwards, letting out a little scream as I landed on top of Harry, who was attempting to get up but fell back down as I fell on him.

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