Chapter 19 : Parsletongue

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I couldn't believe it. Collin Creevy had been petrified. The same as Filch's cat, Mrs Norris.

It had been a few days since that happened. Right now, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I were in the bathroom on the second floor. It was abandoned ever since a girl named Myrtle Warren died there. She is also known as Moaning Myrtle. I'm not really her biggest fan though.

Hermione was mixing the potion, me helping at certain points, and the boys were just watching us.

I kind of zoned out for most of our conversation. I was just staring at Harry the entire time. He had his sleeves rolled up half way and his tie was loose. He'd grown up a little over the summer and he was really cute. I mean he's always been cute, but he's just

"Liz," Hermione yelled and snapped her fingers in my face, causing me to snap out of my daze. "Yeah?" I asked.

"For the third time, can you pass me the lacewing flies please?" She repeated herself. "Oh yeah sure, here," I muttered as I passed her the lacewing flies.

"Anyway what were you guys saying?" I asked and Harry continued.

"McGonagall said the chamber of secrets has indeed been opened again," he repeated McGonagall's exact words.

"Again?" Hermione blurted, "you mean the chamber of secrets has been opened before?"

"Well that's what he means by again,"  I mumbled and Hermione glared at me.

"Of course," Ron gasped, "don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here. And now he's taught Draco how to do it."

To be honest, I don't think Draco did it. I mean he's a git but he wouldn't do anything this cruel. He wouldn't try kill anyone. Would he?

"Maybe," I sighed, "we'll have to wait for the Polyjuice potion to know for sure. But I don't think it's Malfoy."

The boys stared at me weirdly.

"Do you like.........have a thing for him or something?" Harry mumbled and I stared at him.

"No why?" I chuckled awkwardly.

"Cause your always taking his side," he muttered and I snapped.

"I don't always take his side."

"Yeah you-" he shouted but Hermione interjected.

"Actually I know who she likes and it's definitely not Malfoy," she smirked and Ron decided to join the conversation.

"Who do you like then?" He asked.

I groaned and turned to Hermione, "for merlins sake Hermione!"

"Sorry, I thought it would help," she giggled. "Come on tell us," the boys badgered me.

"You know I don't really wanna talk about it," I huffed, "can we talk about something else please?"

"Okay fine," Ron sighed, "so enlighten me, why are we making this potion in broad daylight, in the middle of a girls lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?"

I chuckled as I unbuttoned the first two buttons on my shirt, since it was warm. "No," I answered as I rolled my jumper sleeves up.
"No one ever come in here," Hermione answered.

"Why?" He asked. "Moaning Myrtle," she added and he looked at her confused.

"Who?" He puzzled. Suddenly, a ghosts appeared behind him. It was Moaning Myrtle herself. "Moaning Myrtle," Hermione and I repeated together.

"Who's Moaning Myrtle?" Ron asked

"I'm Moaning Myrtle!" Myrtle screamed in his face and I snickered.

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