Chapter 4 : Bloody Hell Granger

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Me and the boys were walking outside to the courtyard. Harry had just told us that McGonagall didn't get him in trouble, instead he was invited onto the Gryffindor Quidditch team as seeker. I was so proud of him and I hugged him straight away.

My brother used to play quidditch at home with my dad. He wasn't able to play on an actual team since know. But from what I'd watched at home, he was really good.

"Seeker," Ron gasped, "but first years never make the house teams."

I was so proud of Harry. And thankful for McGonagall for not getting him into trouble. The fact that Harry was now on the quidditch team spread like wild fire. Everyone knew about it and everyone was talking about him. Not that everyone was already talking though.

"You must be the youngest quidditch player in a-" I began as Fred and George Weasley- Ron's twin brothers- came up behind us.

"Century," Harry finished my sentence, "according to McGonagall."

I've never played quidditch myself. I've never even been on a broom. It frightens me half to death. My brother used to try and persuade me to play a game with him but whatever he offered to do if I did, I'd always said no.

"Well done Harry," Fred congratulated Harry as he walked up behind us. "Woods just told us," George finished his brothers sentence. It always creeped me out how they did that.

They were very tall. It scared me a little. I don't even go up to their shoulders. How the hell am I in Gryffindor? I'm literally scared of everything.

"Fred and George are on the team too," Ron informed us as we walked through the hallways, "beaters."

Harry and I nodded. "Our job is to make sure you don't get blooded up too bad," George chuckled which made me shiver at the thought, "can't make any promises of course. Rough game quidditch."

"Brutal," Fred continued, "but no one's died in years."

They better be joking. If Harry dies I don't know what I'll do.

"Someone will vanish occasionally," Fred joked and George finished his sentence, "but they'll turn up in a month or two!"

Harry had an uneasy face as the Weasley twins walked off and I rubbed his shoulder for comfort.
"Oh go on Harry quidditch is great," Ron explained as we entered the courtyard.
"Yeah don't listen to them two Harry," I advised and he looked down at me, "you'll be brilliant."
"But I've never even played quidditch," he moaned as we all stopped in the middle of the courtyard, "what if I make a fool of myself?"

I sighed and walked in front of him. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted.

"You won't make a fool of yourself," Hermione asserted as she approached us, "it's in your blood."

Does she always have to know everything? She just entered our conversation without asking. She really annoys me sometimes.

She lead us to the trophy case in the hallways and pointed to the middle seeker trophy.
'James Potter' was written as the team seeker and the three of us stared in shock.
"Wow," Ron gasped, "Harry, you never told us that your father was a seeker too."

Harry stared at the trophy, just as shocked as we were. "I-I didn't know," Harry stuttered as he gazed in amazement at his father's achievements.

"It's creepy she knows more about you and you do," Ron pointed out as the three of us walked up the stairs on our way to the common room, Hermione following shortly behind.

"Who doesn't," Harry groaned and rolled my eyes. "It's stalker-ish that's what it is," I muttered and Hermione walked to stand beside me. "Stalker-ish?!" She gasped, offended and I nodded. "Yeah you heard me," I sassed and she scoffed. "Well-" she began but was cut off when the staircase we were walking up began to shift to the side.

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