Chapter 91 : The Aftermath

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Harry and I made our way back into the great hall, where our classmates and teachers were gathered, along with the order. You could see Ginny with Mr and Mrs Weasley, all sat cuddling by Fred's body. You could see Professor Slughorn with a few other adults, chatting away and sharing their experiences. Many students gathered together, to mourn their friends passing and hug their remaining friends. You could even see Filch attempting to clean the mess of rubble around the great hall with a sweeping brush, not that it was helping though.

Hagrid approached us and I stepped aside. "Harry," he smiled and the two of them shared a hug. Hagrid then smiled and walked away slowly. I walked up and grabbed Harry's hand, interlocking out fingers. He looked down at me and smiles, squeezing my hand.

I looked towards the end of the great hall and Ron and Hermione both walked round the corner, hand in hand, just as Harry and I were. Hermione and I made eye contact and I smiled proudly at her. She looked so happy. And that made me smile.

A little while later, we were all stood on the bridge, looking over all the destruction. Harry made his way over to the edge, looking over the lake as he took the elder wand out of his pocket.

"Why didn't it work for him?" Hermione asked, and the four of us all turned to look at each other, "the elder wand?"

Harry twisted the wand in his hand and spoke, "It answered to somebody else. When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his. But the thing is, the wand never belonged to Snape. It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the astronomy tower. From that moment on, the wand belonged to him."

Then, it clicked. The wand wasn't Dracos now, because Harry disarmed him back at Malfoy Manor. "Until, the other night when you disarmed Malfoy Manor," I spoke and Harry nodded.

"Which means.." Ron mumbled and Harry sighed, twisting the wand in his fingers again.

"It's mine."

"Well what are we gunna do with it?" Ron asked and Hermione and I turned to him.

"We?!" We explained at the same time and Ron looked over at us.

"I'm just saying, that's the elder wand, the most powerful wand in the world. With that, we'd be invincible," he spoke then the three of us looked up at Harry, wondering what he would do. He grabbed both sides of the elder wand and snapped it in two, before throwing it far into the lake.

The elder wand was now gone..

I sat on the wall surrounding the castle ruins, my feet dangling down the side of the wall. It had been a few hours prior to our Elder wand fiasco and I was thinking about my dad. In fact, I was thinking about my brother too, and my mother. All three of them loved me unconditionally, and I did them. And they were all gone. I remembered this one time, when I was around five years old, maybe not even that. And the four of us were playing a Muggle game called monopoly. And my dad got sent to jail seven times. Then my brother stole all my money, so of course I started crying. Then my mum mother wouldn't let me cheat and not give him the money, I flipped the board and stormed up to my room in a tantrum. My brother felt really bad afterwards and came up to my bedroom around half an hour later with milk and cookies to say sorry. The two of us sat in my room and ate the cookies for a while until our prenatal came upstairs to tell us it was bedtime.

For some reason that was the memory that stuck in my mind. It was funny, sad and also happy. It was a good memory. And there was none others like it.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me and I flung my head around to see who it was. It was Harry. He'd obviously come here to check up on me.

"Hey," I half smiled. "Hey," he replied, "mind if I sit?" I gestured my hand to the wall beneath me, and he sat down beside me.

"How you doing?" He asked, hesitantly and I sighed, looking out at the view.

"Surprisingly okay," I spoke softly before turning to look up at him, "You?"

"I've been better," he mumbled.

He blamed himself for all the deaths. Of course it wasn't his fault, it was Voldemort who killed them, not him. But he still insists that since Voldemort killed them because of him, that he is responsible.

I placed my hand on top of his and squeezed it.

"I told Mrs Weasley that we'd help with Fred's funeral," he changed the subject and I sighed.

"Yeah definitely, yeah," I nodded, "Forgot about that..."

So many people had died these past few months. So many lives lost. There was at least four funerals ahead of us, and more.

"We're gunna be okay you know," Harry spoke up, and I looked at him, "your gunna be okay."

I smiled and kissed his cheek before laying my head on his shoulder. He rested his arm around me and sighed.

"You know, back in sixth year, I had a weird dream about our future," I spoke up after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"You did? What happened in it?" He asked.

"We were at the park, having a picnic," I began to explain, "and we had two boys, one of them was called James, I don't know what the other one was called. I was also pregnant with another baby. And we were happy..."

A smile appeared on Harry's face and he kissed the top of my head.

"I think I'm gunna get a motorcycle," he spoke out of the blue and I looked at him confused.

"Really?" I chuckled in disbelief.

"Yeah, what is so funny about that?" He asked with a smirk and I shrugged my shoulders, still chuckling. "Nothing," I laughed.

"Seriously, what is funny?" He asked again and I couldn't stop laughing.

"I just pictured you on a motorcycle. I'm sorry," I laughed and covered my face with my hands, laughing.

"Well, you will be, cause I'm gunna get a motorcycle," he smirked and chuckled a little.
I took a breath or calm down and nodded, "Okay."

"I will," he argued again and I tried not to laugh.

"And I believe you."

"I don't think you do."

"I do, I do," I chuckled and he shook his head. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder once more.

"I think I'm gunna get a tattoo," I spoke and I could see him smirk out the corner of my eye.

"Where?" He asked.

"On my lower stomach," I replied, "On the left side. Maybe like a butterfly or something."

"That would look very sexy," he replied and I looked up at him.

"Right!?" I smiled and we both chuckled. He leaves forwards and kissed me for a few seconds and then looked into my eyes. "I love you," he smiled.

"I love you too."

Yours [A Harry Potter Love Story]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя