Chapter Eleven: Thinking

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After Erin had gone home, Zoey sat in her backyard, thinking.

She was thinking about Erin.
Recently, she had begun to develop feelings for her.

To be completely honest, Zoey had developed physical attraction towards Erin almost instantly, but these newer feelings were something more.

She really liked being around Erin, she really liked Erin in general.

Maybe it was a little crush, or something else.
Zoey didn't want to sort those things out right now. She was just happy with the giddy feeling that she got whenever she hung out with Erin.

That got her thinking about something else. What if she did like Erin? What would that do to their friendship?
"Don't think about that." She told herself.

She didn't even know if she liked Erin, so she didn't need to worry about any of that yet.

And besides that, Erin doesn't even like girls.
From what Zoey knew, Erin either didn't like girls at all or she was trying to figure that part of herself out.

Zoey paused her stirring thoughts for a moment, and focused on a different one: "I'm going to the beach with Erin tomorrow."

Having something else to focus on was good for her.

Where They GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora