Chapter Six: Comfortable

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Midnight soon came as Zoey asked,
"Are you tired?"
"A little bit. Are you?" Erin answered with a yawn.
Both of them stood up, climbed into the bed and laid under the comforter, dozing off to sleep.

Ten o' clock in the morning came as Erin slowly opened her eyes, letting the bright sunlight from her window hit them.
After her eyes had adjusted to the light, she was immediately met with another sensation: warmth at her side.

Looking to her side, she saw Zoey, who was nuzzled into Erin's torso.
Erin froze for two reasons.
One, she didn't want to move and wake Zoey up. Two, she felt oddly comfortable in this position and she didn't know why.
She only knew that she did not want to move.

She laid as still as a board and stared up at the ceiling, listening to the tick, tick, tick of the clock on her wall.

A couple minutes went by, as Zoey woke up, instantly pushing herself away from Erin.
"G' morning." Erin slurred, rubbing her eyes.
Zoey yawned tiredly.
"Good morning."

Later that day, they had gotten dressed and decided on going for a walk around the neighborhood.

As they mindlessly kicked pebbles down the road, the two of them talked more.
They planned to have another sleepover soon.

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