Chapter Eight: The Last Component Of The Dream

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A knock on her bedroom door jolted Erin out of her thoughts.
"Come in."

Mark entered the room with a look of concern on his face.
"Are you okay? You're still in bed and it's almost noon." He stated.

During the Summer, Erin usually got out of bed at around nine o' clock, so staying in bed this late was unusual for her.
"I'm okay, Dad. I just, uh, stayed up late." She replied, as she pushed the comforter off of herself.
He left the room, telling her that she could talk to him if she ever wasn't okay.

Erin got herself ready for the day, then went outside for a bike ride around the neighborhood.

Pedaling down the road, her mind began to piece together the different components of her dream from last night: a wide open field, a large tree, Zoey, and the mention of liking girls.
The last component was the one that was the most confusing.

Erin had admittedly thought that Zoey was very attractive from the day they met, but there was no way that she liked her like that.
"I'm not gay, I don't like girls." was the phrase that she repeated over and over again.

She couldn't be gay, or anything that went with liking girls. Her parents would freak out and she really, really did not want to deal with that.

But if she doesn't like girls, what was that weird feeling that bubbled in her stomach whenever Zoey was around?

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