12| Dickhead

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       What the hell was his problem? He seemed perplexed last night but he just said he couldn't sleep. He seemed distant this morning on set but you assumed it was his way of trying to stay professional at work.

Not even two unscripted words were spoken from him today. The chemistry was shit. Mr Scott was floored with the horrible, uncomfortable performances. To top it all off, today was the last day filming on set. The final leg of the movie was being filmed out on location in Oregon.

There isn't going to be a redo day. These scenes are just destined to be what they are. Shit. Thanks to him.

Isn't it lovely that it's captured on film for everyone to watch and judge for eternity? Great. Just great.

You tell yourself to shake it off. You're probably just being hard on yourself.

Looking across the lot at Kylo tells you a different story though. He stood there arms crossed, glaring directly at you while he took a pull from a cigarette.

Wait. He smokes?

"What's up his ass today?" Matt asked approaching from behind. You turned not wanting to be the object of his attention anymore.

"Who knows. Maybe he's PMSing" you rolled your eyes.

"Woooah the claws are out I see" Matt laughed. "What happened last night?"

"Nothing. That I know of anyways" you looked down biting your lip in thought. "We went on a date. He stayed the night until..."

"Until what?"

"I woke up and found him outside on his phone. He seemed tense about something but wouldn't tell me. He just sent me back to bed and left."

"Weird." Matt looked the direction you knew Kylo was standing in.

"Maybe he has another girlfriend and she texted him." You huffed.

"Another girlfriend?"

"Ugh I do not want to talk about that or this anymore." You began to bite at your nails nervously and you watched as Matt's stature began to tense.

"Well, your boyfriend is on his way over here."

You glanced over your shoulder quickly enough to catch his massive figure sauntering over in your direction. You searched the room for Vic. If there was anytime you wanted him to save you from Kylo it would be right this moment.

Like he heard your thoughts Vic appeared from the crowd and reached you before Kylo could.

"Do you want to go?" Vic whispered into your ear as he slid a hand under your arm and taking it in his grasp.

"What? No. I'm fine. What do you mean? Kylo?" You whispered back to him.

"Yes fucking Kylo. He's been an ass to you all day and I'm sick of watching it."

Before you could respond kylo made his presence known with a low grumbling cough.

"You two seem close already" Kylo scoffed.

"Body guards tend to be close to their employers. That's kind of the point Kylo" you spat at him.

"Hey I'm not saying it's bad" he waved his hands in the air. "Two liars probably get along pretty well. Makes sense."

"What are you talking about? Is this the same Kylo I went out with last night? What the hell is this?" You growled.

"I don't know. Is this the same Y/N I went out with last night? Because I'm not sure." He leaned down snarling each word directly into your face.

The Good Luck Girl (Kylo Ren x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now