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"So he like.. just told you to get out?" Maya yelled over the blaring music of the club.

"Yeah. His exact words" you nodded.

She sat there dumbfounded for a moment. You shifted your legs in the booth pulling your skin that was stuck to the pleather of the seat. Noticing she was still mulling something over in her head you pushed her beverage toward her encouraging a drink. You both raised your glasses at the same time, downing them simultaneously.

"What an ass" she stated.

"What an ass" you agreed.

"Has Nick tried again?" She signaled her eyes toward your phone.

"Not since that night. But I have a shit ton of texts and voicemails from him that I've refused to open since he destroyed the set."

"So they're just sitting there? Isn't that like.. driving you crazy?"

"Of course it's driving me crazy. But I know the second I look at them I'll come crashing down and he'll have gotten exactly what he wanted. To break me"

"Give it to me" she said as she grabbed your phone. Being your best friend she knew your passcode and unlocked it without fail. You watched as her thumbs moved rapidly and you began to grow anxious with what she was doing.

"What are you doing?!"

"I'm forwarding everything to myself and then I'm deleting it off your phone. Problem solved" she shrugged.

"You're forwarding it?!" You scrunched your brows together at her.

"Well duh! There's a lot of incriminating stuff in here. You'll need it for court" she nodded.

     You sat back in the booth breathing heavily as you tried to push off the anxiety that was brewing in your chest. Every time it came around it felt like someone dropped a Boulder on your chest and stood above you enjoying watching you squirm. You didn't want your night in the club to turn into a messily drunk emotional break down.

     "I'm getting another drink" you stood and paced quickly through the sea of people to the bar top.

     "Vodka soda please" you leaned over the bar toward the bartender so he could hear you. He smirked and glanced down. When you followed his gaze you became fully aware of your cleavage busting at the seams.

    "Classy" you scoffed to yourself and rolled your eyes as he turned to fetch your drink.

     You took in another deep breath. The smell of alcohol and warm bodies mixed with overly perfumed girls and overly Cologned men filled your nostrils. The base from the music thudded along and you could feel it vibrating your chest with each beat. It almost felt like a massage working out the anxiety bubbling inside.

    The bartender returned with your drink and carefully you walked it over to the booth rejoining your friend.

     "All done" she smiled handing your phone back.

     You swiped it open and the ridiculous amount of notifications that once sat there had now disappeared. You let out a heavy sigh.

     "Thank you I needed that" you said taking it. "Feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders!"

     "So what's your plan now?" She asked.

      "With Kylo? Or Nick?"

     "Yes." Was all she answered.

"Well I was just having fun with Kylo while filming was halted. Now that we're back tomorrow I'm done" you lied. You knew you lied. How could you be done when the feeling of seeing his nostrils flare and his lips tense from your defiance was so addicting. There was no way you could stop now. You had to see what he would do if you continued to push him. Even though it had been a almost a week since you last saw him and he hadn't said a word, you knew he'd be feeling the same.

The Good Luck Girl (Kylo Ren x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now