8| Valentines Day

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💕Happy Valentine's Day Loves💕

Whatever way you spend your day I hope it brings you warmth and comfort. There was once a time this day was very painful for me so I hope this finds anyone who needs it today.

This chapter is a tad long and the end of it is a little spicy. If you're not interested in smut I'd suggest skipping once you get to the patio.

Xoxo Little Light.


"Thanks Joe!" You called out as you carried a coffee in each hand and pushed the coffee shop door open with your back as you leaned into it.

You turned to exit and began walking toward the lot your were filming on. It had been a long day for you as you gave acting a true attempt. It was way more tiring than you had expected it to be.

As a crew member it looked like the actors had the easy job. While you were wrestling 20 pound cords on each shoulder, they were sitting in chairs reading and being pampered as they prepared to be on screen.

Now that you actually experienced it, acting could be just as tiresome. Your body was aching from all the nervous shakes, your mind was turning to mush from all the directions and memorization, and your feet had swollen from the constant standing in between takes.

Both you and Kylo were feeling exhausted but the promise he gave excited you too much. You decided to repay your debt to him by grabbing some coffee from Joe's so you could make it through the night without droopy eyes and contestant streams of yawns.

As you made your way down the sidewalk a body came flying around a corner and halted to a stop in front of you like a road block. Your heels skidded to a stop as you tried not to smack directly into them, and spilling your coffees. After regaining balance your eyes shifted up finding the road blocks face.

"Jesus fucking Christ" you snarked.

"Long time no talk" Nick smiled.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I just want to talk" his tone sounded calm but almost threatening.

"You're not supposed to be here. They'll arrest you for what you did!" Your eyes desperately looked around you. Unfortunately it was late and there weren't many people around, especially not on a side road of the massive lot.

"What did I do?" He smirked.

"You know exactly what you did. Thanks for fucking with my job" you rolled your eyes.

"They have no proof that was me"

"They have video footage!"

"Ahh yes. They have video footage of me trying to come talk to you. But I head there was a weird security malfunction the night the set was destroyed..." he looked amused and you wanted to punch him.

"Of course there was..."

"Come on. Let's just go somewhere and talk"

"You're not supposed to be around me. The restraining order? I'm sure that's some sort of parole violation."

"I'm not violating parole. Or your silly restraining order."

"Hu?" You were confused by this.

The Good Luck Girl (Kylo Ren x Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ