Chapter 3: 1 week later

Start from the beginning

You boxed it all up then went to help Kid take the 10 plus boxes to his truck.

"Uh hey could I ask you a favor? Business wise?"


"I noticed a lot of locals come here, me and my buddies recently opened an auto body shop down the road by the lake, and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind maybe...Uh displaying a poster to advertise for us?"

You thought about it, they weren't any kind of competition his line of work and yours were on two very different ends of the spectrum.

"I don't mind, so you have a couple on you now?"

"We are discussing it today at the meeting which I am late for now." You winced.

"I'm sorry that this all took so long."

"Nah once they taste all this good food they won't be upset anymore."

"I don't mind just bring it over whenever you have it ready." You held out your hand and he shook it.

"Y/N right?"


"See ya."

You waved and he drove off. Walking back inside you switched the sign Ace was wiping the tables down already then proceeded to place the chairs on them to make mopping easier.

"I'm gonna go clean up the patio, you know where to find the broom and mop?"

"Yep want me to do the bathrooms too?"

"Naw I'll do those, I don't even make Barto do those unless he takes flirting with the customers too far."

"Big lady fan?"

"I think he's bi but I don't ask it isn't really my business. As long as I don't get a crazy ex rampaging into my cafe I'll let him do his flirting."

Ace chuckled at that. Then went to wipe off the display counter and the shelves.

You went outside and started to clean up. You wiped off the tables, closed the umbrellas swept and made sure to prune the plants that Ussop had planted for you. After emptying the trash can and placing a new bag into it you went back inside to help Ace finish up.

An hour later you were done, washing all the coffee pots, cleaning off all the crumbs from the displays and the bathrooms took some time. But it was considerably less since Ace was there to help you do it all.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Right Uh, well I was wondering if you were considering hiring some more people on? I lost my job and I don't know if anyone would hire me once they knew about my narcolepsy."

You thought about it, you'd met with Crocodile last Sunday and you were finalizing some things with him today at his office. If it all went well you'd have to hire at least 2 more people.

"Tell you what Ace I'll let you know by Monday okay? I have a business meeting and I am looking at expanding my hours during the week and even being opened Sunday. If I can get everything figured out, you'll be the first one I call with a job offer how does that sound?"

"Seriously?!" He pulled you in for a bone crushing hug. "Oh man thank you! You have no idea how much I appreciate that!" You hugged back, Ace had always been like a big brother to you you'd known him for forever not as long as Luffy but close.

"You're welcome. Here take this coffee cake home with you I'm taking the other one with me to my meeting. Tell Pops, Thatch and Marco I said hi. And don't let Luffy eat it all."

"Hahaha you got it. Hey how about you come over for dinner tomorrow? Thatch will be cooking and you can bring more coffee cake? Give you chance to get away from...Uh you know."

You smiled again, this is why you loved Luffy's siblings they treated you like family.

"Yeah I'd love to. If you guys want me to bring more than just the coffee cake let me know. Now of you'll excuse me I gotta go meet Mr. Croc."

"Please tell me you call him that to his face." Ace chuckled.

"I like living thank you very much."

-Time Skip-

You'd ended spending a significant amount of time with Crocodile with a new business plan set up you were feeling good. Until you got back to the house. Law was off Saturdays and Wednesdays, you knew he'd be home and it just made it all the more weird for you.

You still needed to find a place to move to. The house belonged to Law, you felt like he had a right to be comfortable in his own space you two once shared. You were going to have to start looking tonight and tomorrow, rent would need to be cheap.

"Y/N?" You turned to see Law getting Bepo ready to leave for his evening walk. "Perfect timing you want to go with us? I know Bepo-ya would like it."

As if to emphasize the point he started to wag his tail and give you a woof. Law looked as if he'd slept which was good. You shook your head though.

"I'm moving out in three weeks. I won't be here to walk him on the weekends anymore." Law looked a little hurt by that. But it was true, he'd had Bepo before your relationship he would adapt.
"Have a fun walk you two." You closed your door and went straight to the shower.

Walking out you noticed something on your bed, it was a box wrapped in blue paper. You looked at the card.

This was supposed to be your gift for this year. Happy Birthday-Law

That would make sense. You took a breath and walked out into the living room and found Law.

"Hey thanks I forgot about my birthday." He didn't look at you.

"You're welcome."

"Can I open it?"

"If you want."

You opened and saw a new purse. It was a back pack style, tan leather, it felt heavy when you unzipped it it had a book series that you'd wanted to read. A familiar pang entered your heart. You wanted to hug and kiss him for being so thoughtful, but you settled for and hug around his neck.

"Thank you I love it."

"I figured, your welcome." He patted your arms. You let go and went back to the room. "Let me know when you find a place I'll help you move."

You felt like a knife had been stabbed into your heart. Even though you said you wanted to break up and move out, even though you said you couldn't try again hearing him say it like that hurt.

You felt tears start to sting your eyes, as your emotions started to pile up and threatened to spill over.

You should've just not accepted the gift, it was his way of saying goodbye. You needed to move out and fast.

Looking up studio apartments was going to be what you had to do, they were cheap. You'd finally landed on one, it was about a 20 minute drive from your cafe, it was 800 square feet and it had a full sized kitchen and bathroom. No closets or pantry, but you could always order those. You sent off an application and waited to hear back.

You realized you hadn't eaten anything and decided to eat out. You went to a 24hr restaurant, you decided you didn't want to eat alone. So before leaving you texted a few people.

"Y/N!!!" Vivi yelled.

"There you are!" Perona squealed.

"Been a while brat!" Nami giggled.

"Hey guys thanks for coming out."

"Hey no sweat it's your birthday today. After we eat wanna catch a movie?"

You realized it'd been a while since you'd hung out with them.

"I'd like that."


Please call me at your earliest convinience to come and look at the unit. Thank you. D.D.

Things were looking up.

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