He looks over at me as I turn and then walk away. I walk towards my car with the killed mood as I make it to my drivers side door. I open it and before I can get in he's blocking me.

"I should,- I should go home. You have somewhere to be, I'll see you around." I tell him ducking under his arm as he grabs both sides of my hips and pulls me into him with my back in his chest.

"So what? You're just going to act like nothing just happened between us?" he asks trailing his hand back up my thigh. I feel my breathing increase again as I feel his body heat behind me. I don't think this was the right choice now, I think I was just carried up in the moment and my mixed feelings and he was being nice to me. He's still a jerk and he only wants one thing from me that I'm not willing to give up.

"Colton." I whisper as he pulls me closer to him.

"Fuck tell me your name." He tells me as I sigh. "Please" he whispers into my hair as I feel his lips near the side of my neck.

"This was a mistake. I'm sorry." I tell him.

"I should go" I tell him again as he scoffs and lets go of me. When I pull away I hear him tell me, "And here I thought you actually cared, I guess you still have a stick up your ass" as he scoffs and walks away. Before I have the chance to even tell him what I'm feeling he's walking back to his truck. He gets in and storms off in the opposite direction from where he came as I watch the tail-end of his truck disappear down the road along with the roaring engine.


Colton's POV

I'm fucking fuming. She let him eat peanut butter and chocolate candy, he's deathly allergic to peanuts and she's let him eat them. I'm going to kill her, I'm going to fucking murder that damn bitch. I speed all the way to her house and knock directly on the door when I get there. She's glad I bought that five hundred dollar EpiPen now.

I'm mad about this, I'm mad about the woman I was making out with, I'm mad about all of it. When we're seconds away from finally cutting the tension between us I felt her pull away and orgasm making me almost cum in my pants alone. Seeing her butting her lip to stay quiet as I drive her crazy, it made me so damn hard for some reason. She felt so good, and I know I'm fucked. I fucking made out with her, and I haven't been with a woman in forever. She made me feel stupid when she pulled away though, and my defense was to protect myself at all costs. I have a son to raise and he needs me more than I need a distraction.

Harper immediately opens the door as I rush past her into her house. I find the kitchen to the right when I see him sitting in the chair trying to catch his breath. He's in nothing but his underwear meaning that she found his EpiPen and put it in his leg trying to get the reaction to stop.

"Bentley bud, can you breathe?" I ask running over to him as I grab the side of his chest and start taping it. I beat on the side of his back as he starts couching and holding his neck.

"You've go to spit it up." I tell him as I grab the trashcan beside him and hold his back. He won't puke though, so doing the only thing I can think of I take the water from the table and dump it on my hands before sticking my fingers down his throat and finding remaining pieces of chocolate and peanut butter. Not the fingers for her, my other hand. He gags when I feel the vomit on my fingers and pull them out at his launches his stomach contents into the trashcan, puking up the chocolate and peanut butter. I rub his back as he keeps coughing and I see the shit she's been filling his body with, pizza, chips, and candy.

Once he's got the shit up and out of his system I turn around and see her. "I hope you enjoyed this because I'm fighting you for full fucking custody and I never want you to see him again." I tell her as her face pales. Fred comes up behind her as he looks down at me squatting next to Bentley. I grab the rest of the water and rinse my hands before lifting him up. He's got tears rolling down his face and cheeks. I hold him on my shoulder as I go the stairs and climb them. I find the guest room he always stays in and grab his bags before I see two large pizza boxes and I walk back downstairs.

Taking his shit over my shoulder, I open the door and slam it behind me as I walk to the truck and sit him down in the backseat. I hand him a bottle of water from the cooler in the back as the truck lights show me just how red his face is.

"You okay bud?" I ask as he nods and I wipe his cheeks off.

"You never have to come back here again. Mama will not see you without me there ever again okay?" I ask as he nods and hugs my neck.

"I love you daddy" he tells me as I kiss the side of his head. If he would have died from an allergic reaction that could have been prevented I would have murdered Harper. He's mine, and she is not taking him away.

I hear her behind me as I kiss his head and shut the door. "Don't start with me because I can't believe you don't even know the most basic shit about him. You know he's allergic to peanuts, he's always been! And the fact that you don't even care enough but to feed him shit that you know makes him sick means that I'm fucking done bringing him here. He hates pizza, it makes him have fucking diarrhea because it's so full of grease he can't handle it. He's lactose intolerant too, I bet you didn't know that. You can't feed a child shit from a fast food restaurant when he never eats it and expect him to be okay! I cook all his meals. You know why? Because I care about him. So go ahead and mess up the child's life in your belly just like you did to him. He's never had a mother who cares about him because of you. You'll be getting papers soon, and you will sign them and give me full custody because you're not killing my son." I demand yelling at her as her face pales.

I finally she tears form in her eyes as she looks at me. "Colton I didn't mean to do it." She demands as I laugh.

"Really you didn't huh? What about the pizza boxes in the guest bedroom telling me that you threw it in there and told him to eat and play by himself?" I yell at her.

"He should have told me that then" she demands crossing her arms with no remorse for anything she's done.

"He's six years old, not sixteen and he doesn't know that because I want him to have a normal childhood. Congratulations bitch you lost him." I tell her opening my truck door and storming out of the driveway with him in the backseat. He's already passed out asleep as I look back at him.

I can't believe her. I really can't believe that she did that. I drive towards my house before thinking about my brunette beauty and quickly change the roads I'm on. I drive towards the spot she was at and look for her car to see it gone, meaning that she left and probably got home okay.

It's just me and Bentley now.

Brielle's Love (Kingston Spin-off #3) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now