17. leave us alone

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"Great. We arrested the unsub, and it went smoothly. I just wanted to let you both know. So when you both make your way back home we will be at Quantico waiting for you both." He says.

"That's great Hotch." You comment. "Is everyone okay? I can imagine the takedown was a bit dramatic given the profile."

"It was." Hotch begins. "But nothing we can't handle."

"That's good." Spencer says beside you.

"I just wanted to keep you both updated. When should I expect you both back?" Hotch asks.

Spencer and you both look at each other, not sure when you were both planning on being back. Spencer pleads with his eyes for you to answer.

"Uh, probably tomorrow." You conclude, cringing a little at the close date you picked.

"Tomorrow? Great. See you both then." Hotch says and quickly hangs up before either of you can respond.

"Tomorrow, eh? Cutting the trip a little short now?" Spencer comments.

"That's the first time I could think of, sorry." You say genuinely. "Plus I do miss work."

"I do too. But you know you can't go into the field, right?"

"I can still travel with the team, I'm just stuck at the local PD or whatever. I'll take what I can get." You sigh, feeling stuck and bound to your past traumas. They are pulling you down- not allowing you to be the best agent you can be. You hate it.

"I see." Spencer says. "I'm glad you can at least follow along, you help a lot." He compliments.

"Thanks." You smile. "You too."

Silence falls between you two. The only thing you both hear is the sound of the car moving and the soft music emitting from the radio. It's quite peaceful, the open road. It brings back many memories of the rides to the lake back when you two were dating. The laughter and kisses seem so distant now, almost as if it existed in another lifetime.

You immediately recognize the landmarks that indicate that you are close to the lake. All the signs that point you towards the Strip are replaced with trees and bushes; even the air changes from city-like to fresh.

"We are here." Spencer announces as he pulls into the parking lot. You inhale a deep breathe, preparing yourself for the sight of the lake. It has been a really long time since you have been here, let alone you both. You've spent so much time thinking that you'd never come here with Spencer again, so it's surreal to you that it is happening right now.

"Everything okay?" He asks, noticing your distantness. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Let's go." You open your door and jump out of the car. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, you smile at the warmth the sun paints your cheeks with. The summery air pushes your hair around a bit, forcing you to tuck some of your hair behind your ears. 

Spencer waits patiently in front of the car for you, all while looking off into the distance. You approach him slowly, and attempt to creep up behind him.

"Boo!" You screech behind him. Except he stands still, and turns around completely unbothered. 

"Ready now?" He laughs.

Hate That I Love You Still (Spencer Reid)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat