Chapter 2: Powerful Secrets

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~Y/N's POV~

Everything's black, I always thought my life would flash before my eyes when I feel like I'm about to die inside, but I don't see anything.

"Y/N?!" I hear a shaken voice say. I open my eyes to see her in my arms: just her, staring up at me with confusion and fear in her eyes. What...just happened? I look up to see the road to my right, the speeding car racing off into the distance. My arms shake as I realise she didn't leave me, I haven't lost her.

"Kara!" I cry as I hug her tight. Her arms wrap around me as she says, "What- What happened...?"
"I...uh...I honestly don't know! I guess with all the adrenaline running through my body I must've ran to move you out of the road." I reply, in complete shock, myself.

But I do know what that was. It wasnt human. It wasn'

" saved me? You risked your life Y/N!" she almost yells at me, my face concerned and worried.

"It was that or let you die, Kara!" I yell back at her. I notice her hair in a mess from all the wind, so I tuck a piece of hair, hanging in front of her face, behind her ear. Her eyes pull me in as I suddenly realise how close we are - her lips inches away from mine. She stares at me, although I can't tell if she's happy or not; I really hope she is...


She....She saved me?! But I don't need saving, I'm Super-... She doesn't know that... I put her life in danger! She could've gotten hurt!

How- How didn't she get injured?!

She was so fast, it was! I chuckle inside until my eyes linger on her's. She' close... She's beautiful up close... Um.
"I- I have to go! Miss. Grant needs her coffee! I...Um...I'm sorry Kara... Text me!" she shouts as she passes back across the street, carefully looking at the road.
"Y/N!" I cry before she turns back around on the other side of the road, "Thank you. For saving me." She just smiles gently - beautifully.

Speaking of Miss Grant, I really need to get back to work! I rush over to the elevator in the Catco building, thinking over and over about what just happened. My heart was beating so fast, I knew I was gonna be okay, well....Kara Danvers shouldn't have been okay but....Y/N! She could've gotten seriously hurt! I need to talk to her, check up on her, something's not right...

~ A couple hours later ~

"Hey Miss Grant, I was wondering if you had seen Y/N anywhere?" I ask Cat as I stand by the door of her office.
She looks at me with confusion, until answering, "Oh, W/N? Yeah, she came to give me my cold coffee two minutes late so-"
"YOU FIRED HER?!" I interrupt her in shock.
"No, Keira I did not fire your little friend, she asked to take the rest of her first day off. So I let her."
"....Okay...." I hesitantly pause, confused but not shocked as to why she'd want to skip the afternoon. I head back to my desk, waiting for the rest of the day to carry out until I can check on Y/N...

~Y/N's POV~

I angrily slam the gas pedal of my car as I drive through the roads - knowing damn well what happened; not what I am, but what I did.

Yes I did it for Kara, but at what cost? What am I? Why is everything beginning to become so...hazy...?

With confusion and anger in my eyes, I pull up to my parents' house - slamming the car door as I exit my car.

My parents obviously hear the noise as they come running to the door to open it. They see the shock and anger in my face as their smiles turn into frowns. "Y/N!... What a nice surprise!" my mum says, trying to keep the fear hidden in her voice. Too bad my hearing has gotten better.
"YOU KNEW. DIDN'T YOU?!" I scream, looking back and forth between my parents.
"What-... What on Earth do you mean??" dad questions me, concern and worry in his eyes.
"Yeah. See...that's the thing. I'm NOT from Earth am I?!" I yell, almost as if a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I just stare at them as they shared worried looks. After a few seconds of deadly silence, my dad offers to take me inside the house. I hesitate, but I need an explanation.

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