Chapter 3: New Hero In Town

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~Y/N's POV~
~ 5 minutes earlier ~

"Raincheck?" she unfortunately says, making my heart sink.
"Sure. No probs." I respond, staring back down at my computer before beginning to get back to work. I watch her as she walks back to her desk and then continue on with my work. Though it might just seem like all Cat does all day is sit in her office working, she is actually a very busy woman. Being her assistant is tough, especially with the coffee orders and late night reservations. She gives me the occasional assignment to work on and sometimes let's me proofread her pieces. It's nice to get on with work, especially when I actually enjoy it, I almost forgot about....Ugh...

I come back to the real world as I hear gunshots being fired, nearby. Well, it might be nearby - or it could just be my hearing.

Ugh, this is getting annoying. Come on, you've got work to finish Y/N... your work....Y/N. I-....UGH!

I get out of my chair and head towards the window; nothing seems out of the ordinary; no one seems to be in danger. Then I hear multiple shots being fired to my left. I decide to head to the roof to get a better view, taking my red jacket with me - just my hoodie won't be warm enough. The wind brushes against my cold cheeks as I take the final step onto the roof. My hands bring my hood over my head and I tuck my hair into it. I look around, so carefully everything begins to be...transparent?

OH. I have X-ray vision. Neat. Maybe this new...secret isn't so bad afterall...

In the corner of my eye, I see a building with a group of armed men escaping. I head over to the edge of the roof and look down, my heart racing, and feeling slightly light headed. I take a deep breath, looking down onto the road before taking the leap.


Oh god. I'm gonna die. I'm dead. No come on Y/N, you've got this, just take a deep breath and slowly...begin to..glide.

I close my eyes and feel the wind crashing against my chest. I open my eyes instantaneously and push my arms forward in the direction of the bank; soon finding myself gliding through the sky, the wind beneath my arms.

I hover in front of the bank, seeing Supergirl to my right.


oh wow.

Ugh, Y/N, this is no time to be fangirling right now.

The blonde's hands are in the air, taking a step towards a man in a mask with a gun held at a woman. "That's it! You had your chance, Supergirl!"

My eyes open wide as I see the loaded gun come closer to the hostage's hair. I'm not letting that woman die, never. If I am what I think I am, I should be able to...

Sudden neon blue lasers shoot out of my eyes, directed straight at the gun in the man's hand.

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool - I can do that apparently!

Um, I should think of something to say, quick, um..."Well. I believe in second chances!" Ok that'll do.

I fly directly towards the robber and slam him into the bank wall. I stand over his body, taking in what just happened until I hear a voice shout, "Look out!"
I turn around to see a man holding a gun at me.

The blonde woman dives in front of me, taking out the guy with the gun. She kicks the gun away and looks at me with gentle green/blue eyes.

Woah, they're...they're really...nice eyes... Oh Rao, Y/N... I think to myself, do I know that?

Don't Let Go - Supergirl x Reader (f) - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now