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9 months later

"She left?" I asked practically yelling into my phone. "What the hell do you mean she left? How can she leave! She was locked up!" I exclaimed, my voice getting angrier and louder the more I went on.

"Well-" Damon tried explaining before I cut him off.

"Did you idiots forget to lock her up? God knows what she'll do now shes out!"

"Hey! At least shes only killed one person! You turned it off twice and have killed more people than shes ever even touched! Dont you be getting on her ass for the worse you've done."

"Ugh, dont remind me." I groaned.

The past 9 months have been more than rough, it's been hell.

Soon after I had talked to Damon about my problems with Kol, him and his family left. Klaus let me go, said as a punishment I couldn't go with them, I agreed with peace seeing as Kol said hed stay with me.

The first couple of weeks were amazing. We had a few arguments here and there but otherwise we were completely perfect together. That was until he started to come home angry from whatever day he had, it varied from family drama, having to deal with the problems I had with the Salvatores, and so much more.

Whenever he got mad you stayed out of his way, me loving him at the time, I ignored that boundary as much as possible.

He was loud, always complaining and making arguments out of everything I did. Therefore I started to pick up the mission to find Kai, once word got out to Kol he was done. He lashed out and left.

I went after him as far as I could, but he was gone, and now I was sure hed be forever gone.

That was only the first three weeks.

About a week later I shut it of. Again.

About four months later they got me to turn it on right before our amazing adventure to this island to find the cure for Elena. She had been my best friend for years, but as a vampire she was just more annoying than normal.

I dont remember how they got me to turn it back on, but they did. When we got back with a dead Jeremy Gilbert, Elena soon turned it off, breaking her sire bond with Damon.

He had tried to break it out of me but I didnt care enough to tell him how I broke it. I finally told him when we got back, thought it was the right time to tell him considering she would turn it off anyway.

The next four months were exhausting. Katherine came back, apparently she was here just before Damon sent me off. Katherine was an exact replica of Elena, but Katherine wasnt as sassy, or bossy, or tied down, she didnt complain as much either. Me and Katherine were acquaintances, wed from time to time talk, have some fun, but that's as far as it went.

Ever since I turned it on I've been trying to rebuild myself from the mess I created. I had just recently gotten over Kol. He wasnt on my mind nearly as much, I didnt miss him in the slightest bit anymore, and I felt like if he came back I'd be able to be civil with him.

But Kai.

God was he a different story.

Apart of me regrets choosing to stay with Kol and not finding him. Throughout all of this I knew that he was the one I'd never get over.

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