"Who thought the royal ice queen had a heart." Y/N said nonchalantly, making Weiss glare at him.

"Who are you calling ice queen!?" Weiss whined, setting Zwei down.

Zwei walked towards Y/N and stood on his hind legs, leaning on Y/N's legs for support. Zwei barked happily at him, making the boy smile.

Weiss looked at him with jealousy before the scream of Ruby echoed through out the house. Soon enough,  both sisters entered the kitchen, Ruby looking dejected while Yang had a smug smile.

"I'm guessing Ruby lost." Y/N said as Yang sat down by the table while Ruby went to the cabinets.

"Yep, she's no match for my special moves. I should probably teach her so she could at least stand a chance against the Master." Yang boasted, putting her feet on the table.

Y/N saw Ruby mocking Yang quietly as she searched around the cabinets.

"Hey, Yang. I said no feet on the table." Y/N redirected his attention to the yellow-haired girl who only shrugged.

"Come on, Y/N. Is this how you treat a winner, and a beautiful woman?" Yang asked, flashing him a sneaky grin.

Y/N gritted his teeth in anger, "You guys have only been here for a week."

"Well, it's not like we can do anything about it." Blake mumbled, flipping the pages of the book.

Then, sounds of sobbing erupted. Y/N quickly turned around to see a crying Ruby, holding an empty jar in her hands.

"Y-Y/N." Ruby sobbed, her shaking hands gripping the jar.

"All the cookies. . . Are gone!"

Y/N sighed in frustration, and grabbed the empty jar from her shaking hands.

"Wasn't this full last night?" Y/N asked in a demanding tone, shaking the jar.

"If I remember, Ruby ate cookies while watching our show." Weiss pondered, putting her hand to her chin thoughtfully.

Y/N sighed annoyingly and glared at the sobbing silver eyed girl, tears running down her cheeks as she was looking at Y/N with pleading eyes.

"Y/N, can you please buy me more cookies?" Ruby pleaded between sobs.

"Hey, it's your fault for finishing a whole jar of newly bought cookies, so you don't have a reason to come crying at me!" Y/N stated strongly, anger resonating in his voice.


"No buts!" Y/N yelled sternly at her, making everyone in the room flinch.

"Geez Y/N, you sound like such a parent when you scold us." Yang said, carefully removing her feet from the table.

"You guys are supposed to be trained huntresses with the ability to kill a bear with ease and you wield deadly weapons, and you guys have special powers. I just don't understand why I'm the only one acting mature around here!" Y/N's anger all went out.

"Excuse me, are you calling me immature?!" Weiss exclaimed, stomping her foot on the floor.

"Yes, Ice Queen." Y/N said, giving her a cold stare making her shudder.

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