Chapter 12

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Link didn't go very far down the narrow tunnel before it started to become pitch black. He reached for his quiver, planning to power up an arrow with his magic, but then he noticed a faint glimmer of light further down the tunnel. Link quickened his pace, heading for the light. Soon, he reached the other end of the tunnel, and was amazed by the sight that greeted him.

He had stepped out into a large circular room. Right in front of him was a long hallway that had a locked door at the end of it, and on both sides of the room was a doorway.

But what had really caught his attention was how the whole room was ablaze with bright light. It was so bright, it was beginning to make his eyes sting a bit. But the perplexing thing was that there were no torches, fires or any other light sources to be seen. It seemed to be coming from.... above.

Link looked up, and was immediately blinded by dazzling light. It forced him to immediately shut his eyes and turn his gaze back downward. Obviously, the room's light was coming down from the ceiling. Amazing.... it's as if the rocks outside soak up the sunlight and filter it in here, Link thought, marvelling at the ingenious engineering feat. It reminds me.... of the temple of the Desert Colossus, with the way light always found its way in.

Once Link was able to see clearly again, he took another look around the room, and was further reminded of the Spirit Temple. The color of the walls and floors, the masonry work of the sandstone block walls.... just about everything looked identical to what was found within Nabooru's temple. He had once thought the the Stone Tower Temple's inner workings had resembled it, but THIS place mimicked the Spirit Temple PERFECTLY!!

Link hoped that this sanctuary worked just like the Spirit Temple did as well. If it had light-based puzzles, he reasoned that they wouldn't be too hard, since all the rooms probably had sunlight coming in and he already had a Mirror Shield.

He contemplated all of this as he looked around, trying to decide where to go next. Going down the hallway was clearly out of the question, since he had yet to collect any keys. So, it was a choice of the door to his left, or the one to his right.

Link eventually picked to door on his right. When he went through it, though, he was greeted by something very different from what the first room was like.

It was a narrow passageway that had the same artitecture as the first room. But sunlight did not come into this area; the only source of light in this room were two wall-mounted torches positioned at the sides of the door.

But the light they gave off was enough to let Link see that he was now standing on a small platform with a strange metallic pole in the center, and that platform was all that was keeping him from plummeting into a black, bottomless pit directly below.

However, some twenty feet ahead of him at the end of the corridor, there was another platform that was in front of a door. And that platform had the same type of metal pole sticking out of the middle of it.

It was obvious to Link that the metallic poles had some significance, but he had no idea just what they were for. He took out his hookshot, stood at the edge of his platform, and fired it off at the pole; but as he had expected, it had no effect. Link then took out his bow and shot a light arrow at it; but again, nothing happened.

Lastly, Link decided to try using the Lens of Truth, but again, his efforts yielded no results. The poles did not look any different through the lens, and no invisible platforms were revealed either. Obviously, if there was a means for Link to get to the other side of the corridor, it was not yet available to him.

Sighing in defeat, Link went back through the door and into the first room, then headed for the doorway straight across, the only remaining path available to him. But once he went through the door and shut it, he heard an all-too familiar sound; metal bars sliding down through stone. He turned his head and, sure enough, iron bars had slid down in front of the doorway, preventing him from leaving.

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