Chapter 4

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Link trudged along aimlessly through the Lost Woods, not really sure where he was headed and not really caring. It had been many hours since Zelda had magically transported them to the Forest Temple. As Link had expected, Saria had no problems with Zelda staying in her temple, since it would hardly interfere with her duties as a Sage. Link had no idea why Impa would think Saria would say otherwise; as expected, she was taken aback when she saw what had happened to Zelda, but Saria had been as friendly and cheerful as ever.

But Link wasn't really thinking about that anymore. Instead, he was trying to figure out what to do for Zelda, but he couldn't think of any way to reverse the effects of the Giant's Mask. After arriving at the Forest Temple, Zelda had asked to be left alone for a while, so Link used that time to try and think of something. But it had been hours, and his mind was still blank.

He also couldn't stop thinking that he was to blame for Zelda's troubles. This is all my fault, he thought dejectedly. I should've gotten rid of the damn thing long ago. And I should've noticed I lost it last night. This is just so typical - Hyrule was doing fine before, but then I show up again and something like this happens, and....

His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the sound of rustling leaves and creaking branches above him. Link jumped back and took out his sword and shield, anticipating a monster attack.

Link sensed something drop down behind him. Before he could turn around, he heard someone speak to him in a squeaky, childlike voice: "You should put those away before you hurt someone."

Link immediately recognized the voice. He turned around to see none other than the Skull Kid; the very same Skull Kid that had been enslaved by Majora's Mask many years ago. "Oh, hello there," said Link, putting away his shield and sword.

"And hello to you too, fairy boy," said the Skull Kid cheerfully. "Then again, you're not exactly a boy anymore, are you? I saw you a few months ago, but didn't recognize you. Sorry about that."

"Forget it," said Link quickly, remembering how the Skull Kid's kind don't exactly like grown-up humans and turned on him before. "Hey, where's Tatl and Tael?"

"Oh, they've been gone for a while now," replied the Skull Kid, a hint of sorrow in his voice. "But it's OK. I moved back here with my own kind, so I'm not lonely."

"Well, that's good to know," said Link. Of all the people he thought he'd run into again upon his return, the Skull Kid sure wasn't one of them. He had completely forgotten that when he travelled to the future, the Skull Kid was still in the Lost Woods.

"But enough about me, let's talk about you," said the Skull Kid. "Do any of that 'saving the world' stuff you do lately?"

"Well no, not really. Not unless you count how my time-travelling self beat Ganondorf a few months ago." Link stopped when he saw the Skull Kid staring at him curiously. "Never mind, it'd take too long to explain," he said quickly. "Actually, I've got a different sort of problem right now anyway."

"Like what, exactly?" asked the Skull Kid.

Link was about to explain Zelda's predicament to the Skull Kid, but quickly stopped himself when he remembered that she didn't want anyone else to know. "Sorry, I promised I'd keep it a secret. Let's just say that a friend of mine is going through some rough times."

The Skull Kid pondered this for a moment, but then spoke up again. "You'll stay by your friend, won't you?" he inquired. "You won't abandon your friend, right?"

"Of course not!" shouted Link indignantly. "Why would you ask that?"

"Because it's important for friends to stand by each other, that's why," said the Skull Kid. "I know that better than anyone. The only reason I'm here now is because my friends didn't give up on me. Don't give give up on your friend. Be seeing you!" With that the Skull Kid leapt up high into the trees overshadowing the Lost Woods. But still, Link could hear his voice echoing from above. "You found a way to help me! I'm sure you'll find a way to help your friend!"

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