Chapter 3

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Panic-stricken, Saria ran through the Kokiri Village. She could sense that something was wrong, that something had just happened to Princess Zelda. All the Sages shared a sort of bond that let them all know when something happens to one of their number. Saria had no way of knowing exactly what it was, but the sense of fear, confusion and utter shock was unmistakable. Something was wrong at the castle, and someone had to go find out what it was right away.

So she headed for Link's house, where Link was still sleeping. He had decided to spend the night there, for old time's sake. It was quite a shock for Saria when he had finally returned home after so many months, and the other Kokiri were shocked as well when he told them just who he was. Mido didn't even believe it at first.

Saria hurriedly climbed the ladder leading up to Link's house and ran inside. There he was, still asleep in his bed. Only thing was, he had grown so much that it wasn't big enough for him anymore. He was essentially sleeping in a uncomfortable-looking sitting position. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Saria couldn't help but to smile.

"Link, wake up!" she cried repeatedly, and she saw his eyes slowly flutter open.

"Oh, hey Saria," he said lazily. Then he noticed Saria's worried look. "What's wrong?"

"Something at the castle, that's what," replied Saria, getting straight to the point.

That got Link's attention. His eyes were wide-open with worry and he stood up, asking, "What?! What do you mean?!"

"I'm saying that something bad just happened to Zelda; I sensed it through the bond we share as Sages," explained Saria.

The mention of something happening to Zelda really got to Link, and it showed. "Do you know what?"

Saria shook her head, saying, "Only that I sensed a overpowering twinge of fear from Zelda - other than that, I don't know anything. That's why I woke you up, because I'm sure you...."

But Link wasn't really even listening anymore. He had already taken out the Ocarina of Time and began playing the melody that would transport him to the Temple of Time. He had vanished in a swirl of glittering light before Saria had finished that last sentence.

Saria looked around the empty house. "She really does mean a lot to him," she muttered to herself in a sorrowful tone, trying to fight back feelings of envy. She had suspected it all along, but it didn't make it any less painful.

For a while, silence lingered in the room. Impa just stared in disbelief at Zelda. This was impossible, incomprehensible - by the Godesses, people don't just spontaneously grow overnight! But here she was, sitting in the middle of her room, at least twice her normal size, not to mention her clothes somehow grew with her too.
Impa eventually managed to find her voice and finally say something. "P-Princess, is that you?"

Zelda, still crying, simply nodded.

"Wha-what happened to you?" Impa asked.

Zelda shook her head violently. "I-I don't know," she managed to get out in between choked sobs. "I-I just woke up like this!"

Impa continued looking at Zelda, still not entirely believing what her eyes were telling her. Eventually, Zelda spoke up again. "I-Impa, I-I'm scared! I... I don't know what to do!" Then she started crying again. This was just too much. For a while, it looked like she was getting her life back together; peace was restored to Hyrule, and Link had finally returned. But now, somehow she had become giant-sized overnight! I can't live like this! she thought to herself, looking down at her body. I-I'm a freak! And everyone will be afraid of me!

Zelda heard Impa walking toward her. She turned her head to look at her, and Impa reached out to wipe away the tears from her face. Zelda couldn't help but to think about how small Impa looked to her now. All her life, she had thought of Impa as one of the toughest people she had ever known, but now she looked so tiny and frail....

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