Chapter 11

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Link pulled out his boomerang and deftly threw it at the advancing Blue Tektite, which was now only ten feet away. His aim was, as usual, perfect, and the boomerang's impact stunned the creature. This gave him the opportunity he needed. He caught the returning boomerang, unsheathed his Great Fairy Sword and jumped toward the dazed Tektite, bringing the blade down onto it and slicing it in half.

But the monsters populating the beach didn't give Link so much as a second to catch his breath. A Leever suddenly surfaced about five feet in front of him, kicking up a huge plume of sand. And Link heard two more emerge behind him.

He decided to deal with the one in front of him first, closing in on the Leever just as it began its spinning motion and moved toward him. With three broad swipes, Link effortlessly felled the monster, then he left his sword out and let it collect power. Once he heard the two Leevers behind him get close enough, he unleashed his fabled spin attack, killing them instantly.

However, no more Leevers emerged from the sands after that, and no more Tektites were approaching either. It was as if the rest of the creatures were unwilling to fight the Hylian intruding on their shores, or perhaps he had killed all the ones in the immediate area. Whatever the case, Link was disappointed; after being so inactive for the last few days, he felt he needed a lot more exercise. As it was, he had gotten only three minutes of serious combat time.

Letting out a sigh of annoyance, he turned toward the ocean. He could see Zelda's head sticking out of the water, about two or three hundred feet from the shoreline.

It had been a week since Zelda and Link had left Hyrule. For most of that time, the two had remained in the cave, simply relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Occasionally, Zelda had gone out for walks along the expansive shoreline, with Link tagging along, sitting on her shoulder. But this morning, Zelda had felt the need to wash up in the ocean. So as she did so, Link had been practicing, fighting the beasts on the beach.

The last few days certainly had been strange for Link.... he still hadn't quite gotten used to how huge Zelda was now. Sure, he had seen all sorts of other incredibly huge beings in his lifetime, but those were all hideous monsters. But here was an actual human being that had attained monstrous proportions.

And with the way she held him in her hands and smiled down at him, how she lifted him up to her face and gave him gentle little nuzzles and kisses.... Link felt less like her boyfriend and more like a pet mouse when he was around her. Yet, for some unexplainable reason, he still found he liked the feeling of being totally in her power, of being her prized possession....

Link saw Zelda's shoulders rise above the water, and realized that she was walking toward the shore. Soon, Zelda was standing on the beach again, the ground all around her being splattered by the water dripping from her soaked dress. For a moment, Link was again overcome with awe as he stared up at her enormous body, her shadow looming over him.

"Link, back away. I need to dry off," Zelda told him, motioning for him to get clear of her. Knowing what was coming, Link did so immediately. Once Zelda saw that he had reached a safe distance, she concentrated and used Din's Fire. With its heat enveloping Zelda, her dress and her skin were dry within seconds.

Zelda took a couple small steps toward where Link was now standing, and slowly squatted down to look at him. "Hey. Have a good workout?" she asked him.

"Yeah, I suppose," answered Link. "Zelda, was it necessary to do that? You finally got over that cold, and...."

"I used Din's Fire to warm the water around me," said Zelda, cutting Link off. "Besides, I hadn't bathed in over a week. I know you didn't want to say anything, but I bet I was stinking up the cave." Link didn't say anything in response. It was true that Zelda's sweaty smell was beginning to get a little overpowering, but there was no way he could have brought himself to say anything about it....

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