Chapter 9

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Link just continued to stare down at the ground, right by the town walls where Zelda had left a pair of gigantic footprints with her high-heeled shoes. He couldn't get over how big those footprints were; she was probably now bigger than any monster he had ever faced, including the Twinmold! He then lifted his head up and looked at the trail of giant footprints that led away from where Zelda had landed after hopping over the walls. She's gone, he thought sorrowfully. I can't believe it.... she's gone.

Link heard someone walk up to him. "Link, I know how you feel," he heard Impa say. "This is hard for me too. We can only hope that the princess will decide to come home soon." Link didn't say anything, he wasn't even really listening; he just continued to stare at the trail of huge footprints that led southward. Clearly troubled by Link's silence, Impa went on. "You'll be happy to know that no one was killed, and that the Moblins that tried to keep the Sages away from the town were driven away, and...."

"Impa, you must let him be," came the voice of Rauru. "The princess's flight will be hard on all of us, but him most of all." Impa turned to look at Rauru, then back to Link. "Give him time, Impa. They became so close in the last few days, and now that's she gone... I'm sure you understand."

Impa let out a sigh. "I guess you're right," she said as she turned to walk away with Rauru, leaving Link alone, who was still staring listlessly as the footprint trail - something that painfully symbolized Zelda's flight from Hyrule.

I guess growing a third time was too much for her. She was so worried that she'd hurt people and damage stuff before, and now that she's so big... I guess she figured it's what was best for everyone, Link reasoned. But damnit, it isn't what's best! I need her! I love her.... I don't care if she's a giant!!

Link took another look at the footprint trail. And she thinks I'm dead because of her. No doubt that's eating her up inside. And what... what if she commits... Link shook his head violently, trying to banish that thought from his mind. No, I can't let that happen. Damnit, I can't just stand here doing nothing!! I've got to go and find her!!

Link took out the Ocarina of Time and played Epona's song. Within a few minutes, his trusty horse galloped up to him, and Link quickly mounted her and had her follow Zelda's trail. The trail led all the way to Lake Hylia's entrance. I figured as much, thought Link as Epona leapt over the fence and galloped into Lake Hylia. Once they had reach the water's shores, Link dismounted and took a good look around him. No giant footprints could be seen anywhere within the Lake Hylia area, as if she had simply approached Lake Hylia and then just disappeared.

Huh? Then where did she.... Then Link slapped himself. Duh. She can teleport, you idiot! She could be anywhere! he thought to himself angrily. Argh! How am I supposed to find her?! What do I do?!

And then Link felt a hot, stinging sensation on the back of his hand, just like when he had confronted Ganondorf in his tower... and when he had tried to escape from the Molbins' hideout. He looked at his hand and saw the Triforce symbol on the back of it, glowing with a fierce, violent radiance. Not only that, but he could feel something gently pulling at him, as if to lead him somewhere. Huh? The Triforce of Courage, what's... Then it hit him. It's reacting to Zelda's Triforce piece, pinpointing where she is! Zelda was able to do the same thing with me!

Link's spirits instantly began to rise, now that there was hope of finding the princess. But then he remembered that Zelda was probably miles and miles away from Hyrule by now; with Farore's Wind at her command, plus the amount of ground she could effortlessly cover, there was no telling how far away she was.

He looked down at the waters of Lake Hylia; it was here that he made his return to Hyrule, using the waterways that led out into the ocean. And now, he could use them to get back out to the open sea. Sooner I start, the sooner I find her, he thought resolutely as he put on the Zora's Mask. As soon as the transformation was complete, Link leapt into the lake and made his way back out to sea, letting the Triforce of Courage guide him.

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