Chapter 8

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Link slowly walked over to the barn where Zelda was still staying, carrying a barrel filled to the brim with apples. Thankfully, he had been able to get a ride on a wagon back to Lon Lon Ranch. Having to carry that barrel all the way from the market town would have surely worn him out, especially with it being high noon and unbearably hot.

As he made his way to Zelda's barn, he couldn't help thinking about the previous night. Specifically, when Zelda had asked if he would marry her. Link truly loved Zelda, but for some reason the question made him a bit uneasy. I guess it was just so sudden, the way she asked me, he reasoned.

Then there was the possibility that a cure for Zelda's condition might never be found. Having a giant woman for a wife would sure be.... weird. Oh, come on! Since when has anything in your life been normal?! Link thought, mentally chiding himself. He had promised Zelda he'd stay by her, and he had to live up to his vow.

Finally, Link made it back to the barn, and he had to put down the barrel to open the huge front door. Link quickly picked up the barrel again and headed inside. In the middle of the barn was Zelda, lying down on the floor sleeping soundly, using a large wagon tarp for a pillow. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping, Link thought to himself.

Evidently though, it had been a very light sleep, for Zelda slowly rose and turned toward Link almost as soon as he had stepped inside. "Oh hi, Link," she said lazily. "What's that you have there?"

"Oh, it's another barrel of apples for you," said Link. "I figured you could use some more to eat."

"That's OK, Link. I'm really not hungry," she said quickly.

As if on cue, Zelda's stomach started gurgling loudly. "I see," said Link, clearly not believing her. "Zelda, you've hardly eaten anything since the... well... you know. Why starve yourself like this?"

Zelda looked down at Link awkwardly. "It just... doesn't feel right, to have to eat so much. It going to cost Hyrule so much to feed me now and it just... makes me feel guilty."

"Zelda, please, don't worry yourself over that," Link said scoldingly. "We've got the resources to feed you and you know it. Please, just eat, OK?"

Zelda stared at him for a moment longer, considering what he had said. She grudgingly admitted to herself that he was right and there was really no point in starving herself. Reaching down with her huge hands, she picked up the barrel and dumped its contents into her mouth. There were barely enough apples in the barrel for three mouthfuls.

After she had finished, Zelda looked down to see that Link was chuckling to himself about something. "What's so funny?" she asked shortly.

"What? Oh, oh it's nothing," he quickly replied, but the look on Zelda's face clearly told him she didn't believe him. "Well, er, it's just what you talked about last night, about getting married and stuff."

"Yeah, what about it?" asked Zelda, now feeling a bit hopeful that Link had reached a concrete decision.

"Well, I just thinking, about how... I dunno... how FUNNY it would look if you're still like this when we get married. I mean, it would be really...." Link suddenly stopped himself, realizing that he probably made another mistake by talking about Zelda's predicament in such a fashion. But when he looked up at Zelda again, he could see that she was quite amused by the idea too.

"I'll say. When it comes times for you to kiss the bride, I'll have to pick you up!" she said teasingly, clearly enjoying the conversation.

"And where would we find a wedding dress big enough for you?!" Link went on, glad that Zelda was finding this so humorous. "I don't think there're any your size. It'd take ages to make one for you!"

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