I fought back the rising tide of memories, of the last time he ran for the gates to see his kin being slaughtered. The last time he failed to save a lot of lives. This time he would not fail. Even if he's The Alpha King he will make sure to let him have a taste of his fangs.

A sharp, loud report of a rifle blasted through the air, and I dodged, pushing one of my enforcer into the grassy ground as the gravel splintered inches from my nose. More guns fired, flashes illuminating the shooters who took cover behind black jeeps and big SUVs. My enforcers wolves scattered, I ducked behind a thick cluster of trees next to the road, bullets spitting little geysers of snow into the air as the shooters followed them into cover. Bullets bit into the dense tree, bits of bark landing on their fur.

'Guess we should have thought this through better,' Dough, one of his enforcer mused, both of them ducking, bullets zinging off the trees they hid behind. 'Any plans that don't involve getting shot, oh Fearless Leader?'

'Shut it, and keep your head down!' I snapped, wishing I could see where the humans were. The storm was covering up any sounds they may be making, and the wind wasn't helping any. Thick clouds were releasing droplets of rain, and the wind was sporadic and undependable. And it's growing stronger, which meant they wouldn't be able to hear or scent the humans ahead of them. I couldn't tell if they were still at the vehicles or if some of them were peeling off, waiting to ambush them in the trees. I tried peering around the nearest tree, but a bullet chewing into the bark made me back up in a hurry.

'Fuck,' I growled, Dough sending a wordless agreement back. 'The others?' I asked, then Dough send his reassurances. My enforcers was blocked off, pinned as they were, and waiting for orders. No one was hit. 'Sam?'

'She went for your mate as you instructed,' Dough replied.

The hail of bullets paused, the wind screaming, and I risked another look. The cloud cover was thick, and his nose was useless. His vision and hearing were suffering as well, and I could just barely make out the silhouettes of several humans as they peel off from the vehicles at the gates and head into the woods. Dough and I saw it, and we both growled. Shifters in human skins in the woods were usually easy prey, but with their senses dulled by the weather and they were armed, things would be more problematic than what they expected.

'Stay low, stay smart, and stay in pairs!' I ordered my team, and they sent back their silent agreement. ' Do not show any mercy. Kill them all.'

I crouched low, and went around the trees, smelling blood and werewolves ahead as they went. Dough stayed in m shadow, the brown brawny beta a reassuring presence in my side. I can't help but remember Josh. We hunted side by side for decades, and this was our familiar territory. But now because of the circumstances he's not here with him. However I am thankful that someone like Dough is here to fill Josh spot. I also knew him for quite long. And I knew where his loyalty lies.

I took a deep breath, and my mind is suddenly filled with Masha.

I took a vow to myself, I'll finish this once and for all. Masha and our unborn children must be kept safe no matter what..



Claws ripped my back, I can feel the sting and smell the blood, but I just rolled with the attack, throwing the bigger wolf off my back. I got to on my feet, and was nearly trampled by a group of wolves fighting to death. They're more bigger and stronger than the other. Snapping and tearing at each other in a flurry of fangs and claws. Blood stained the grassy ground, and I followed the trail, to see my father and two other wolves locked in combat, fur bloodied. I spared no thought for myself, and ran forward, barreling into the bigger of the two strangers. He called to the power deep within him writhing in the storm-eddied winds, and loosed it when it came to his will.

I Belong To You ( man x boy )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora