Chapter 5

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Clay's P.O.V

Agh, Monday. But hey, I get to see Geor- my friends, I get to see my friends...

Talking with Nick and Bad was a usually thing for me on school mornings, later George would join us.. speaking of the Devil, here he comes.

"Hey George!" Bad says, first of course. Nick giving George a slight nod, while I just observe him. He is more pale today, somehow. Eyes are more sunken in, a little darker. He must've had a really bad night, yet he still looks so cute. Wait cute? What am I thinking?

The bell rings through the halls and I see George tense slightly, I noticed a lot of things about him.

When the bell rings, he tenses. At lunch, he is always looking around like he is waiting for something to happen, he never eats. Sometimes through the halls, his eyes fill with panic as he tries to find his way to his class. I believe a lot of it has to do with the loss of his parents.

George's P.O.V

Arriving at school was normal, except Clay seemed to study me a little extra than normal. My classes seem to drag on and I just cant wait for the day to end. Im staying late today because the school counselor wants to meet, this isnt our first time, but we havent talked in weeks.

Lunch settles in an uneasy feeling in me as usual, the occasional glances from Nick or Bad. I've gotten used to them by now, I know they are both curious about why I wont eat, or why I look so anxious, but thankfully they never ask.

The lunch bells rings, and I wait until all students clear out. Nick is usually the first to say his goodbyes, today him and Clay went off together leaving me with Bad.

"Hey George?" He asks.

I glance to him, a curious expression plastered on my face.

"I don't want to come of as overwhelming, but you know im here for you right? I've noticed the changes in you, but I don't want to force you to talk okay? Just know I'm here"

A small smile meets my face, "Thanks Bad", he nods and leaves the table.

Sometimes I want to tell someone, but what can they do? I deserve this right? I caused this... stupid present.


"Come on and take a seat George..."

Walking into the school's counseling office felt so embarrassing, shameful at best. There were few kids roaming the halls after the end of the day bell rang, probably hanging back for extra study sessions.

"Okay, so... Its been awhile since we talked, but you know how things are, the time we have with you students is very limited.." I nod my head.

"Alright, so last time we talked was right around the time of.. your parents passing. So since then, whats changed?"

I scoff, whats changed? Is she serious?

"Something you'd like to share George?"

I shake my head is disbelief, "Whats changed? Thats it huh? Thats the first question? Y-you know what? Let me tell you exactly whats changed. My parents are GONE! And its my fault! I live everyday without them, but they are everywhere I am! Im constantly living in anxiety!" As I finish, my head is turning back and fourth, warm tears steadily flowing down my cheeks.

I stand up, "You know what? I dont need this, I dont want this, just leave me alone okay?" I mumble the end of my words and walk out, completely unaware of the blonde headed, green eyed boy standing outside of the office, hearing the whole conversation.


Clay's P.O.V

Hearing what George was spilling to the counselor was heart wrenching. I didn't even mean to listen to the conversation, I actually came to the counselor to get some information. I wanted to know how to help George without having to force him to talk with a therapist or something like that. And by judging the conversation I overheard, I doubt he wants to seek further help from a professional.

I always knew that he was struggling, but I never saw beneath it all. I noticed the tension flowing off of him, but I never saw how badly it was affecting him. I wanted to chase after him, but I knew he needed some time to think. Or maybe that is the exact opposite of what he needed, maybe he needs a friend right now...

I start running down the hall.

"George!" My voice booms through the exit of the school, his body physically flinching from the loud sound.


He slowly starts to turn towards me, he cheeks slightly red from him brushing the tears away, his hair a little out of place.

"Clay? Uhm.. Whats up?" He asks, trying to cover up the fact that he isnt alright.

"I um, I think you need a friend right now... and I want to be that friend. I-If thats okay with you, but uhm, can I? You know, be the friend that you need?"

I can literally see the gears turning in George's head, he is quiet, and its making me anxious, what if I was wrong?

I look up to meet his eyes, but they are filled with tears ready to fall at any second. Oh my god did I upset him? Shit. How can I-

My thoughts are interrupted by a body latching itself onto mine, pulling me in for a hug. Looking down at George, he face is already buried in my chest and I can feel my shirt turning wet with his tears.

I hug him back, with more force. I run my hand through his messy hair.

"I'll that friend George, I got you." I mumble over and over into his ears.

I will do everything in my power to be there for George, and who knows, maybe it'll work.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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