Twenty four

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Felix grumbled as he felt someone shaking him. "Hey we are going to leave soon." Chan said and Felix blinked at him with blurry eyes.

Someone knocked on the door and Chan stood up and moved to answer it while Felix leaned forward sleepily. Rubbing at his face he yawned softly and closed his eyes again starting to rise back off.

"Ah I'll run through it with Changbin and Yang real fast tell him I'll be right back." Chan said and rushed off. Hyunjin wasn't really sure what he had handed him but he had gotten his mail by mistake and it put the producer behind schedule apparently so he was rushing.

Turning to the side he saw Felix for the first time in person and chuckled softly. He remembered Chan complaining in the chat that he couldn't get him to wake up and he smiled.

Walking inside he glided over to the other and lowered to his eye level. Slowly Hyunjin reached his hands out but hesitated as Felix moved slightly in half asleep dose. It was like sleeping while sitting up was easy.

Reaching out more he carefully slid the headphones off his ears and put them on the couch next to him. Felix furrowed his brow at the feeling and Hyunjin cooed softly his hand moving on its own to brush the others hair out of his forehead.

Felix blinked a few times slowly and saw Hyunjin in front of him. His face was mostly healed and he didn't need the bandage over his nose anymore.

"Hm what?" He asked in a husky voice that made Hyunjin widen his eyes.

He didn't expect that.

He didn't know what he expected but that wasn't it.

"Chan had to run off and tell Madam Yang and Changbin something about the schedule, our mail got switched on mistake." Hyunjin said and Felix scrunched his face up slightly before nodding.

"Sorry." Felix mumbled and rubbed his eyes with his hands while trying to wake himself up.

"Did you not sleep well?" Hyunjin asked and Felix stopped rubbing his face to look at him.

"Mm no.. not really." He admitted shyly and Hyunjin frowned.

"Was there a reason?" He asked and Felix frowned this time and looked down.

"I don't know words." He whispered with red cheeks and Hyunjin twisted his face in confusion. After a second he realized what he meant and smiled.

Placing a hand on Felix's shoulder he got him to glance at him. "Try saying it in English, I'll see if i can help." He said and Felix chewed on his lip for a second.

"I was... homesick?" He said sounding somewhat unsure of himself and Hyunjin was sure there was more to the story than that but he knew what he meant.

"Ahh..". He nodded and repeated the word homesick in Korean for Felix a few times, who said it slowly after him.

"Yeah just like that. But.. why do you think you suddenly missed home? Did something make you think of it?" Hyunjin asked tenderly and Felix shrugged.

Leaning back against the couch some he looked at Hyunjin for a second. "I always miss it some.. but I just got stuck thinking last night." He said eventually and Hyunjin bit his lip.

"If you ever need someone to talk or vent to about whatever you happen to get stuck thinking about.. I'm usually up at pretty random times because of work so...". Hyunjin smiled shyly and Felix blinked at him before connecting what he was saying.

"Oh ah! Thank you." He smiled widely and it made Hyunjin more relaxed to see him ease up.

I've been dizzy af for a few days now and it's annoying tf outta me 💅🏻🔪

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