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At work ✋🏻 because when am I not 😝😝


Cat Daddy- bitch where are you

Noodle: finishing up some dance critics stop worrying about it "mom"

Cat Daddy: 😡 read my name I am not yo mom- and bitch it's 2am come home who the fuck cares about some dance critics rn you need rest

Noodle: I need to get this dance right so stop distracting me!

Noodle muted chat

Cat daddy: oh you didn't-


Hoho: hey I need to ask you a favor ☺️

Lix: Hyung why are you still awake? 

Hoho: could ask you the same question!

Lix: I mean... fair but what's up?!

Hoho: well now I want to know why you're awake?

Lix: 👉🏻👈🏻 trying to bake a new recipes and messed up a bunch

Hoho: ISTG.  But favor! Can you text/call/or FaceTime Hyunjin

Lix: Hyunjin?  What why?

Hoho: he is stupid

Lix: you always say that .-.

Hoho: he's still at the dance studio trying to get a routine perfect and he muted me :(( but he won't come home

Lix: this boy ... smh okieee

Fairy❤️❤️ calling hyunie🍯

Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows as his music stopped but he recovered quickly when he saw who was calling.  Instead of being annoyed he was quickly filled with worry, why was the other awake?

Answering his phone he leaned against the studio wall with a tired breath.  "Lix?  Why are up so late?"  He asked softly his voice sounding drained even through the phone.

Felix frowned softly at the way the other sounded, but he just hummed.

"I couldn't sleep, you know me.  What are you doing?"  He asked and Hyunjin smiled at his voice.

"At the studio.  You know me."  He said back and Felix nodded, he did know him.

"Is it about what happened the other day?  With the other dancers?"  Felix asked carefully.

Hyunjin winced, he hoped it wasn't too obvious. 

"I'm just working hard.  If it's shocking that I work hard.. then I clearly need to work harder more."  He said as he sat on the practice floor to talk. 

Felix frowned at the others defensiveness, he was never defensive with him because he knew Felix was safe. 

"Sorry.. sorry I just..". Hyunjin sighed softly and Felix smiled at his gentle exhales of air.

He was so close he just had to walk a little faster through the parking lot. 

"It's okay Jinnie I know this is hard for you, you do work hard though."  Felix said seriously and Hyunjin frowned softly.

"Stop frowning I'm being serious."

Hyunjin jerked.


The call disconnected and he flinched.  "I said stop frowning."  Felix said from the doorway and Hyunjin looked up to see Felix with his eyebrows raised and his hair messily parted.

He looked messy in general, but Hyunjin couldn't comment on it.

"Felix- you shouldn't be out so late."  He said and Felix just laughed. 

"Yeah you too."

Walking across the room he slid to sit next to the sweaty boy and turned to him.  He bit his lip to keep his emotions in check before nodding.

Cupping his face in his significantly small hands he frowned slightly.

"Why are you being so hard on yourself?  Don't you see what I see?"  He asked softly and Hyunjin stared at him with hundreds of questions.

"What do you see?"  He whispered and Felix smiled, his thumb gently caressing his cheek.

"I see the most passionate person.  Someone who doesn't back down.  Someone who is full of life and smiles and will show off their beauty and all they have to offer but.. they are humble.  They may act cocky and model and show off their beauty... but they don't see the true beauty they have.  Always questioning if they are enough when... they are more than enough.. they are you.. and that's perfect."  Felix said before flinching when something cold touched his hands.

He blinked in shock when he saw tears falling down hyunjins cheeks hitting his hands.  "Don't cry..". He whispered and Hyunjin gave a wobbly smile before mumbling something and looking down slightly.

"Jinnie."  Felix said and he whined and pushed his hands away before pushing his face into the boys messy top.

"Careful there are at least 4 different recipes smeared on there."  Felix smiled and Hyunjin giggled as he hugged him. 

"You smell like cupcakes."  He mumbled and Felix laughed.

"Want to come over and shower and sleepover and if I ever get the recipe right you can taste test?"  He asked and Hyunjin nodded.

Felix brushed his tears away before kissing both cheeks.  "Good."  He smiled before texting Minho he was stealing him for the night and the other simply said "thank god."

Lmfao now I'm at class my life- sorry here's the update

Gucci Gang 😈जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें