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Jeongin: i miss you guys :((

Chan: I'm sorry cutie

Changbin: it was sweet to come but you didn't have to :((

Jeongin: no you need support on your first big away concert I'm just mad I couldn't come :( stupid mom not letting me adult >:(

Minho: I'm sorry Joe mg that must be hard

Chan: Joe 😂😂

Jeongin: Hyung.. 😂

Minho: Jeongin ** have you ever been in a car sat between Felix and Chan? It's a lot

Jisung: my poor baby

Seungmin: 😂😂


Chan: 😒

Hyunjin: I'm fine btw but she is good also did he have sugar?

Minho: milkshake and a soda

Hyunjin: makes sense lol

Jeongin: lol

Changbin: cute

Felix: Seungmin can I have your coffee

Chan: no

Minho: NO

Seungmin: meh sure

Jisung: lord help


I'm sick af so sorry

Gucci Gang 😈Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu