Twenty threee

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Seungmin: wait so who is he? Cause 😌 I want to photograph him and do his makeup

Jisung: he is my twin 🌚🌚🌚

Changbin: what the fuck

Minho: you have a twin?

Chan: what the fuck no he isn't?

Jisung: 😭😭 basically! I'm less than a day older than him

Jeongin: ooooo that's crazy 👀

Hyunjin: how old is he?

Chan: Felix? 20

Changbin: such a baby

Jeongin: honestly he acts like one it's adorable :) he is so soft

Seungmin: if he ever wants to try modeling let me know 🙂

Chan: I will~ he might be shy to try his Korean is spotty but he's gotten so much better honestly :) but he still prefers texting so he has time to look stuff up

Jisung: I could understand that

Hyunjin: he isn't a native then?

Changbin: LOL Chan isn't even a native

Minho; Chan has lived here how long?

Chan: over 10 years -_-

Jisung: ^ he counts lol

Seungmin: what is his first language?

Chan: English, he's an Aussie

Hyunjin: oh-

Minho: 😈

Jisung: ^ they both scare me-

Changbin: me too.. Chan are we leaving soon?

Chan: yeah if I can get Felix to wake tf up he's being babie

Jeongin: LOL he wiped out

Hyunjin: he's so cute wtf he messaged me and I didn't know who tf it was I feel bad now

Changbin: wait when???

Jisung: excuse?

Hyunjin shows screenshot of Felix being an embarrassing baby when asking if he was okay from other chapter


Changbin I thought his Korean was getting better 😂

Seungmin: jinnie made him flustered 💅🏻


I had to restart my whole ass Wattpad (aka delete and download it aGAIN) to get italics to work because it decided 🔪🔪🔪 no italics

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