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Felix stumbled to press the answer button on his phone, his hands cold and clammy but his body feeling hot and a layer of sweat decorating his forehead.

"Felix mate are you with me?"  Chan's voice came through the phone and Felix let out a stuttered breath.

"H-Hyung."  He whined burying his face into the mattress of the cheap bed and coughing slightly.  His chest burned and ached but so did his heart.

"It's okay Felix I'm here, so is Changbin yeah?  He's worried about you too although not as good at English."  Chan said gently and Felix turned his head to the side and with a shaking hand lifted his phone to the side to see it.

Seeing Chan he felt a bit more calm, Chan was familiar, he knew him and he knew he was safe with him. 

"Good job bub.  Now let me see you take a big deep breath."  Chan smiled and Felix felt himself doing as he said without thinking about it.  Opening his mouth slightly and taking in a decent amount of air.

"And let it out."  Chan said softly and Felix obeyed.

After a few more minutes of breathing Chan gave him a sad smile.  "What happened bub?"  He asked gently and Felix bit his lip.

"They.. they were so angry at first they didn't show it.. and I didn't really see it..". He mumbled and closed his eyes.

"Once I explained the whole LGBTQ+ thing to them and that it wasn't against the Bible, and I still believed in my faith but I believed in supporting this too they just seemed... disappointed but not angry.  I had come so far so I took a deep breath and said I hoped they would accept it too in time because I was gay...". Felix cringed visibly and Chan smiled at him.

"You did really good, I'm very proud of you."  He nodded and Felix gave a small smile.

"All of a sudden I was in pain.. and it was going so fast."  Felix whispered his hand moving to his hair where his mom had gripped it so tightly she ripped out a few chunks.

"I didn't even realize they had forced me into the hallway until the front door was being opened by my mom and I saw my dad was the one holding me roughly by the front of my shirt and.." Felix shuddered.

"He shoved me back like he was throwing trash in the bin,, like I was trash, like all our memories as a family were trash now.  Then they locked the door... so I just walked until I found this place and they took Apple Pay thankfully."  Felix sniffled and rubbed his face.

Chan was lost for words, how could this possible?  He was so angry. 

"You can always come here, you know I'd love to have you around."  He said without realizing it and Changbin stared at him in shock.  He didn't understand everything that was said but he understood that.

"I.. I couldn't do that you have a life there."  Felix muttered and peaked at him.

"And you could come and build one here too.  You can just think about it? But I don't want you hiding in some ratty motel forever."  He said seriously and Felix slowly nodded.

He was obviously getting tired and Chan smiled at the sleepy boy.  "You should get the rest you've had a hard few days."  Chan said softly and Felix whined softly.

"M'fine."  He hummed softly while slowly blinking his eyes.

Changbin chuckled softly while looking at the screen but staying out of the cameras view.

"Alright I'm sure you're doing just fine bubs.  So that means I can buy your plane ticket right?"  Chan said softly and Felix made some kind of noise that Chan took as a yes.

Changbin rolled his eyes but smiled at the sleeping kid.

"Didn't realize koala was adorable."  He mumbled and Chan laughed softly.

I am soooo behind on my class work this week I'm so overwhelmed with it honestly but it's like I'm overwhelmed to the point I just can't do it, I just look at all I have to do and freeze up, I kicked ass with school last week and then this week I'm like... hah I have no will or soul left-

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