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Chris Boi started new chat
Added: Binnie, Foxy

Chris Boi: Alright. A friend of mine wants to ask a question and he wants other opinions so

Binnie: what

Chris boi added Koala

Koala: woah I'm actually sweATING 😅

Chris Boi: I swear tf just say whatever it is

Foxy: here to help?

Binnie: maybe..

Koala: oh my god

Koala: okay so let's say you're a grown ass man

Binnie: we all pretty much (minus foxy) are

Foxy: legally speaking I'm an adult thank you so much

Koala: but you are raised in a very.. strict catholic type of home? Your country may be accepting but your family most likely isn't? Never has mentioned it... you just.. can't imagine them to be.. but you... are very... very..

Chris boi: gay

Koala: yeah 😪

Foxy: are you asking about coming out?

Koala: more.. is it worth it I guess..

Koala: I don't know what I'm after

Binnie: personally I don't think you'll feel right with yourself until you admit it to your family. If you live with them, then I think you have to be honest that you are who you are and hope for the best. Your country luckily is accepting and hope they are as productive and forward thinking as the country but it isn't always so easy going I know that since I'm a bi sexual man in Korea ffs

Chris boi: I agree you'd feel lighter telling them, since I know you I know how close you are to your family and what a secret would do to you. I know you love them with your whole heart and they love you too

Foxy: I think you have to do what is best for you and honesty always paves the way. I told my mom the truth and it was scary and she didn't like it, however she accepted it especially because she saw how mature I handled it and the fact I had backup plans ready in case things went badly. I had places to stay arranged so she could have space to think, long term places in case she did the horrible get tf out thing etc and she realized I could handle being gay in a country like Korea then so don't give up easily if they seem uneasy

Koala: I'm crying I am so glad I let Chan drag me to talk to you guys you're so sweet and kind and good at advice oh my good I'm so happy he has you guys as friends omg omg thank you I'm softly melting rn but dhhh

Binnie: go get em koala

Koala: dkxkekzoskks

Chris boi: uwu

I'm at work and ya girl is tiiiired 🌚 almost emo cause my Spotify has no music anymore :(

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