Great. If me and Draco being Beast and Belle couldn't be awkward enough, we'd have Zucchini here to make it awkward for us, how lovely.

"Welcome, welcome." Mcgonagall announces excitedly, grinning at everyone. "Today is our first rehearsal for Beauty and the Beast and I simply cannot express my excitement!"

I overhear her saying something about the cast list though I'm distracted by a group of girls whispering and pointing at me. I noticed Cho Chang was in their group, and I could practically feel the death glare she gave me without even looking.

I soon realize that she was the one who wanted Belle, and who everyone thought was going to get the role, though clearly she didn't get it.

I roll my eyes slightly, turning my body towards Pansy and Daphne.

"Somebody seems a little jealous about my role," I whisper to them, nodding my head towards the group of girls.

Their heads turn towards the group and Pansy's nose scrunches up immediately in annoyance.

"Well I mean if they are whispering and pointing, I think that means we can as well." Pansy suggests, quirking an eyebrow.

A small smirk forms on my lips before I make direct eye contact with Cho and pretend to whisper to Daphne about her. Daphne's mouth falls open instantly, as she points slightly at Cho, going along with the whole act.

Pansy starts pretending to whisper with us as well, small and obnoxious giggles leaving our lips.

It wasn't exactly right to do what we were doing, though it was quite funny. Cho's face immediately scrunches up, her brows furrowing angrily.

I hold my palm out, low enough so Cho can't see. Daphne and Pansy high five my hand quietly, evil smirks on all of our lips.

Blaise glances at us confusedly, a questioning look on his face. Pansy winks at him in return, earning quiet laughs from Daphne and myself.

My attention finally turns back to Professor Mcgonagall, as she holds a piece of paper in front of her.

"Today we will be meeting each other, and figuring out students we will be working with, understood?" She asks, smiling weakly after everyone mutters "yes" or "mhm".

She straightens the paper in front of her, skimming over it before reading aloud.

"May I have Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Padma Patil go back stage."

The three girls excitedly stand up, obnoxious squeals leaving them as they practically jump up and down.

It's hard not to laugh at their excitement, especially because they'll hardly have to act as the silly girls. It was obvious almost every girl in this school was already obsessed with Cedric Diggory, so the role of Gaston fit him well.

"And then my three narrators which our," she pauses, looking for the names. "Ronald Weasley, Daphne Greengrass, and Vincent Crabbe. You three can go behind the right wings."

(A/N, 'wings' are the curtains that cover some of the stage so the actors and actresses can hide behind them before coming onto the stage lmao)

Daphne waves to us slightly, before walking over to Crabbe and whispering something to him. The two of them walk over to Ron - who doesn't seem very happy to be there - and then head over behind the wings.

"Cedric Diggory, and Harry Potter. You two can go behind the left wings." Mcgonagall says, gesturing to the left curtains.

They both get up, smiling at each other before walking over to where Mcgonagall gestured.

"Then I'll have the castle servants all together, which are Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger, and Cho Chang. You five can go in my empty classroom."

Pansy squeezes my hand slightly before standing up and glancing around the room. The five of them soon find each other and head out of the auditorium.

Mcgonagall announces more groups, the auditorium becoming emptier and quieter. The only two people sitting in the row of seats I was sitting in now was myself and Draco. I knew we'd probably have to talk to each other, though I hoped someone else would be in the group.

"For the last group, Draco Malfoy, Y/n  Y/l/n, and Neville Longbottom." Mcgonagall announces, before placing the list of groups down. "Would you three be okay going up to the astronomy tower?"

No. Absolutely not.

"Yes, of course." I answer sweetly, though it's a total lie.

I hadn't gone up there since Draco and I had our fallout, though I wasn't planning on going there anytime soon either.

I can feel Draco glance at me, though I don't turn to look back at him. I instead walk over to Neville, smiling sweetly at him.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _
- - - - - -

I now sit in the astronomy tower with Neville Longbottom who plays my father, and Draco Malfoy, who plays my love interest. What a strange sentence.

After we all said hello to eachother, there was only silence. We all pretended to flip through our scripts, looking at lines, though we were just trying to distract ourselves from having to start up conversation.

"Are you guys happy with your roles?" Neville asks quietly, breaking the extremely awkward silence.

It felt like his question was a joke, though it clearly wasn't. I doubted the situation could get more awkward, but sadly it just did.

"Um... yeah," I answer, my voice sounding extremely unsure.

Neville nods slightly in return, his gaze hesitantly moving over to Draco. It was clear he was still frightened by the boy, though Draco was anything but scary.

There's another awkward moment of silence as we both look over at the blonde, though he doesn't notice us for awhile. Once he finally notices we're both looking at him, he furrows his brows slightly, glancing in between us.

"Uh- yeah? Sure." He states, before looking back down at his script.

You could practically cut the tension with a knife by now, though for some reason it seemed to just get worse and worse.

I look over at Neville and shrug slightly, non verbally apologizing for Draco's strange before. He smiles weakly back at me, before looking back at his script.

And this is only the beginning.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _
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lmao sorry Daphne, Pansy, and Y/n doing that gossiping thing was lowkey bratty but like Cho deserved it. Also I apologize for making Cho more of an annoying person in this story, I've honestly never been a big fan of her. I just think (specifically in the movie) her kissing Harry in front of Cedric's picture was such a bitchy move and I lowkey hate her for it

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! I apologize if I take another break soon, sometimes I just have bad writing days and I get super insecure about my writing.

I love you guys literally so much, mwahhh<3

𝐀 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 || 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ