"Hey, it's okay. You want me to-"

"Your mom is downstairs" I whispered frantically.

Then why did you even come here Liam?

She stood up and locked the door from the inside, it hadn't even occurred to me that, that is what we should have done last time because I was so used to her parents just not being home.

Olivia started unbuttoning her blouse, keeping eye contact on me and I sat back watching her undress. She stripped all of her clothes off and then crawled up my body and hovered over my lips, just close enough for her soft lips to barely brush against mine. My mind was just telling me to get rid of this erection, strangely I wasn't really thinking about how I was going to that. So mentally I wasn't very prepared for this.

You're not prepared Liam... you just showed up at her house and expected her to sort you out.

"Are you sure?" I felt her smile against my lips and she didn't hesitate before she lowered herself down completely, slowly edging her tongue inside my mouth and although I gladly accepted her kiss it wasn't enough. "I need to hear you say it." My fingers ticked up the silky smooth skin of her back and stopped right beneath the clasp of her bra. "Is this okay?" I checked.

"It's more than okay, I want this. I want you." She whispered with confidence and as I kissed the sweet spot below her ear I unclasped her bra and slipped the straps down her arms.

"Be gentle, I'm not prepared." I spoke my plea directly into her ear and felt her body react with a shiver. She tugged down my boxers and jeans in one motion and clasped her hand around my manhood.

"Fuck" I breathed out

Please don't be too soon.

Please don't be too soon.

"You're so hard, it's solid... like a rock." Olivia said with a certain fascination to her voice, I propped myself up on my elbows and looked down at her with a furrowed brow.

"It's so uncomfortable. It's been like that off and on since we last had sex and then obviously the thing that we shall never speak about happened and today it's back to being like this. But my mind, well... you don't even want to know what's been going on in mind. This is the longest time it won't go away for."

She moved her hand up and down building friction, I lay my head back down on her pillow and closed my eyes, really allowing myself to concentrate on her technique. But then I opened them because I felt a burning need to watch her.

I enjoyed seeing her little pink painted nails wrapped around me. I liked the concentration on her face, like she was putting in maximum effort and really taking her time. I loved feeling the love from her. She cares about me this much she's trying hard to make it perfect, but it's already perfect because she's doing it.

I could feel it working, my body was relaxing, my frustration was turning to pleasure and something deep inside of me was building.

"Liv... I'm gonna -" I tried to speak but these feelings inside of me rendered me weak and inaudible. A hungry smile crossed her lips and she leaned forward to kiss me but I was unable to keep up with the kiss because I was somewhere high up in the clouds, floating out of body.

My body held tight right up until my release and then came the shaking, which I ignored by throwing myself into a proper kiss, one I could now keep up with.

"It worked, it's going down." I felt like a weight had been lifted as I lay with her in my arms.

"Can I try something?" She asked, looking at me like I was a puzzle she wanted to work out. That was new. I nodded my head and she pulled my t.shirt off.

Oh God, what is she going to do?

Her hand rested in the air above my chest, I could feel the heat from her own body hitting my skin and instantly I tensed. My heart rate increased and I could taste the fear on my tongue. I didn't like the unknown, the unexpected.

"I'm not going to touch you." I relaxed a little at her words.

Slowly she moved her hand, exploring areas of my skin without actually touching me. I watched her hand with complete and utter caution. My chest rapidly moved up and down, getting closer to her hand with each growing exhale.

"Does this make you nervous?" She asked innocently.

Very. Is that the point?

"Yes." I told her.

"But I can touch you here... And here..." Her hand hovered over my face which I don't mind her touching but then traveled down and hovered over the area below my waistband. I loved her touching that area, sometimes, but at other times her touching me there seemed a million possibilities away. "But not here." Her hand stopped right in the center of my rib cage.

I felt myself choking up. I couldn't accept touch anywhere. Not unless I knew it was coming, not unless I had agreed, consented, mentally told myself this was happening and it's okay.

"Everywhere is hard." I admitted.

I took hold of her arm and placed her hand down flat against my chest. This time she flinched.

"But I want it so bad." I confessed.

A could feel a familiar throb starting to pulsate in the lower half of my body and as we kept eye contact I started to loose control of my growing urges and when the thing popped up, again we both looked at it in disbelief.

"Not again." I groaned.

BAD BOY SAVED (male pov)Where stories live. Discover now