Kinza had her battles in her past, and she dealt with them with the help of her Almighty. There was once a time when she wanted to end her life, yet here she stood beside Aahil and can't wait to spend each and every moment with him and then reunite in Jannah. Not that her life was perfect and the best now, but she was more thankful towards Allah. Even though Aahil wasn't the man of her dreams, he proved that he gives us something better when Allah takes something away. Kinza found her comfort place in Aahil, and she had the most amazing in-laws, and whenever Kinza appreciated her mother in law she shrugged and said, "I am no great, my daughters-in-law are the best," 

Well, that wasn't true, Hayat didn't know to cook at all at the start, and Kinza had a horrible past even though she had an idea of what had happened, she never asked Kinza anything, neither she blamed her for Aahil's accident, Huma's only words were, 'Qadr Allah'

Kinza didn't accept all of them initially, but their love made her do that easily. Even though they lived in a joint family, none of them interfered in their matter. The two couples fought together like any other couple but got back together; not to forget, Kayan and Hayat had some real fights but not a sound came from anyone. However, whenever anyone of them fought, Huma just said, "This life is small; you never know when your loved ones leave this world," and that was enough for them to realize their partners' worth. Huma was a very calm woman and unlike other mothers-in-law, she never demanded grandchildren and never for a grandson!

Aahil had how to own childhood trauma, which was too much of a burden for a teenage boy, but when Aaiza was born, the first thing that Kinza said to him after seeing that fear in his eyes was, "Don't worry, Insha Allah, the same thing won't happen with her. We won't trust her with anyone, I promise."

Since Aaiza was born, they didn't leave her with anyone, Kayan and Hayat, but everyone understood their concern. Even when someone took Aaiza in their lap, Aahil or Kinza kept sitting there, and if that person got up and walked with Aaiza, they followed them. 

A few desi aunties objected to it, but they didn't care less; all that mattered to them was their child's protection, and they would do anything to do that. 

Aahil + Kinza = AaiZa, and they would do anything to protect their baby, which was a part of them, and she took their relationship to another level. 

Aahil and Kinza both were emotional, but Aahil was more sensitive. Kinza couldn't help but admire Aahil, who was mature yet so innocent, and his crazy acts made her fall in love with him even more. He was a fun-loving person indeed. Aahil admired Kinza because she was broken yet so strong, and she stood bold and firm when her loved ones needed her. 

"When Aaiza grows up, she will have her secrets. I hope she can bear all the burden," said Kinza after placing Aaiza in the center. 

"Kinzu, we won't know what her secrets would be if she tells us well and good, but as there will be a generation gap so we might act differently. We should know how to respect her privacy but also keep certain rules and regulations," explained Aahil and then kissed the little one's forehead, and she smiled while she was asleep. 

"May Allah protect her and always keep her on the right path, Aameen," 

'For me, love means Kinza.
I love her with all her secrets she's told and all those untold secrets she's beautiful with them.'

'For me, love means Aahil and how he's kept my secrets safe, and love is knowing each other's secrets but never talking about them again if it hurts your partner.'

Love is when your partner has been through a lot but still tries to help you as if nothing has ever happened to them. They become vital for you. 

Kinza loved Aahil with all his secrets.
Aahil loved Kinza with all her secrets.

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