A Sour Situation 😂

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   Me and my mans Sero were on our way to borrow notes from Iida since Bakugou was being a stickler with his and wouldn't let us borrow them and on our way we heard a loud crash coming from one of the rooms.
   "Isn't that Midoriya's dorm?" Sero questioned.
   "Yeah that is!"We rushed over to his dorm and were open to open it when we heard Midoriya Moan?!? We looked at each other and smirked. We started recording him in hopes that we can blackmail him to give us his Netflix password but the recording went a sour real quick.
'T-Todoroki-kun, I-I don't know about this!' 'What's there not to to like, open wide Izu~' 'Why is it so big? I can't take it all' 'You can and you will Izu. You told me that last time you lost at one of our games I can choose anything to do to you'
What the actual Fuck!?! Todoroki is with Midoriya? I looked over to Sero.
"Is what's happening what I think is happening? Should we stop the recording?"
"I don't know Kami, maybe you've been spending too much time with Mineta. Let's just keep listening to see if things are serious.
'I didn't think you'd choose this Shouto. I told you I wouldn't do this last time!' 'But you have no choice but to take it so here.' 'Why are you so cruel Todoroki-Kun?' 'God if you're gonna take so long, I'll just shove it in your mouth by force.' 'Wait Todoroki-Kun no! Ngh~' 'Izu, take it all, I can see you're trying to spit it out' I looked at Sero in disbelief.
"Sero stop the video!" I started pacing back and forth.
"Omg! Midoriya is literally getting forced by Todoroki! The hottest boy in 1-A and he chooses to do this to Midoriya!" I was pacing some more and Sero grabbed me and started shaking me.
"Yeah dude, and now we need to help out our buddy like the friends we are!" I nodded and we started banging really hard on his door.
"MIDORIYA, MIDORIYA!!!" We both frantically yell.
"Blink twice if you need help!" Then Sero looked at me as if I was stupid and yelled.
"How can he blink twice if he can't see us Idiot!"
"I don't know! Midoriya try doing morose code!" Then he looked at me again.
"What? He can tap."
"Oh." Sero was impressed but we still continued to bang on his door and it finally opened.
"MIDORI- Oh, it's you." I said very unimpressed, glaring daggers at our ice prince.
   "I wondered what's all the commotion, I wonder why do need Izu right now. You see he is quite busy with me."
   "Cut the fancy talk!" Added Sero.
   "Yeah, where's our Friend Midoriya!?!" I tried looking in side the room but Todoroki was blocking the view with his body.
   "Kaminari-Kun?" Midoriya recognized my voice.
   "Midoriya? It's us mi amigo!" I heard him running closer to the door.
   "Guys help! He's forcing me to-" Shouto shut him up with my favorite brand of sour candy and covered his mouth.
   "That's enough out of you. Let's continue what we were doing before we got so rudely interrupted."
    "Wait Midoriya no!" Shouto locked the door and I started banging on it again.
   "It's no use man, it's already locked. 
   "Midoriya, use your quirk!" I yell through the door.
   "Are you stupid?" Sero asked. "You know Midoriya has a hard time using his quirk, not only will he hurt Todoroki, but he'll probably break his bones too." I thought for a second and had a lightbulb moment.
   "Let's tell the others about this and then go to the teachers about this."
   "Great idea Kaminari!"  I smirked, crossed my arms and gloated.
   "I know, I'm full of them today." He started to pull on me and started running off.
   "Come on, let's go!" We ran off to the common room where 1-A likes to spend most of it's time, and by the time we came here we were out of breath.
   Bakugou was the first to noticed cause he loudly asked.
   "Why the fuck are you breathing so loud! I'm trying to concentrate!" He pulled out a jenga piece and while Bakugou wasn't looking Mina blew it down.
    "AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!" He grabbed Mina by the collar and Mina had her hands up laughing.
   "Guys, there something more important than Jenga right now!"
"You look serious right now what's up?" Asked Jirou.
"Guys, I think no I know Todoroki is forcing Midoriya!"
"Forcing Midoriya to do what?" Kiri asked.
"No, like he's forcing 👉🏼👌🏼 Midoriya."
"Those are some serious accusations Kaminari, maybe you just misheard." Suggested Momo while closing her book.
"I agree with Momo, Kaminari do you have any proof that Todoroki would do such a thing? That sounds so out of character for an aspiring hero to do something like that." Iida asked while doing those weird hand movements.
   "Considering how close they are the dumb nerd probably liked it." Bakugou sneered.
   "Wait everybody, I have proof!" I had Sero's phone in the air, showcasing this evidence.
   "Why are you recording your classmates in private, for that is-" Sero tapped his mouth shut and I put the phone on the table and started the recording while Iida was mumbling that that shouldn't be a way to treat the class rep.
   'T-Todoroki-kun, I-I don't know about this!' 'What's there not to like, open wide Izu~'
   The class just looked at each other and Iida, was of course, the first one to speak.
   "This is mildly alarming at best. If all you heard was audio then it could be taken out of context."
   "Pssh, this doesn't prove anything except that you've been hanging too much with Mineta." Laughed Bakugou. Everybody was coming to a consensus and I went up to the front of crowd and stopped them.
   "Wait, I admit that the first part could be a little subjective but let me fast forward to this!" 
   "Kami, what are doing now?" Jirou groaned.
I fast forwarded the recording and it was loading up.
   "Come on, come on!"
   "Kaminari, just stop. Time to pack it up." Kirishima consoled me.
   "Yeah, Todoroki cares about Midoriya very much so I don't think he would do such a thing." Added Uraraka.
   "Plus, you're just dumb and probably look things out of context, again." Jirou flicked my forehead.
   "Aha!" It was finally done loading.
   'Why are you so cruel Todoroki-Kun?' 'God if you're gonna take so long, I'll just shove it in your mouth by force.' 'Wait Todoroki-Kun no! Ngh~' The students eyes widened and I had the biggest I told you so face I had yet.
   "Wait, so Kaminari and Sero were right Kero?" Asked Tsu.
   "Kaminari, I am sorry for doubting you, we must bring this up to the teachers immediately!" Though we didn't have to find a teacher because All Might still heard the audio of Midoriya.
   "What is Enji's son doing to mine!" We just looked at him in confusion and about Todoroki's theory and All Might just realized what he just said.
   "Did I said son, I meant successor to- I mean my- I'm calling Aizawa!"
   "So are we just gonna ignore...?" Asked Mina and everyone just slowly nodded our heads.
   Aizawa then came in and looked annoyed as usual.
   "I just heard from All Might that his son ahem 'protégé' has been assaulted by in quote 'by that dangerous son of Enji' out quote. I will personally investigate this matter on a PRIVATE matter. So I suggest y'all go somewhere else, though knowing you guys, let's take a class trip to Midoriya's dorm.
   We all went down to his dorm and Aizawa knocked on the door.
   "Midoriya open up it's me Aizawa." Todoroki was the one to open the door again and I pointed straight at the culprit.
   "Still here after making our friend suffer. Despicable!"
   "Kaminari, please don't point and accuse people of assault. We still haven't heard his side." Aizawa sighed.
   "What is the meaning of this Aizawa? I didn't hurt anyone."Aizawa sighed once more.
   "Apparently there is some evidence of you assaulting Midoriya, is this true?"
   "Why would I hurt Midoriya, he's my friend."
   "Lying's not Manly bro. My mans Kaminari and Sero caught you." Defended Kirishima.
   "Why Thank you Kiri." It started into a whole commotion of who's right and what's just hear say until Aizawa broke it up.
   "Every one CALM DOWN! Kaminari, if you're so confident in your evidence can I please have it." I gave him Sero's phone and he played the audio and his eyes widened. He looked more confused than anything and let out a frustrated sigh.
   "I've heard enough, Todoroki! Please explain to me the scenario that happened before I get myself a bottle of gin after duty." I knew shit was 'bout to go down, don't worry Midoriya I got you, even though we ain't in the same squad. I still got you. Though my face dropped when I heard him laughing and everyone gasped.
   "That was from us earlier today when I forced Midoriya to eat my favorite sour candy that he despises! He won't as even give me the smallest kiss when I eat them." He continued on to laugh and everyone started to look at me.
   "You think we'll believe that! That audio sounded very suggestive Todoroki Shouto!" I say. Then Midoriya was up behind Todoroki and yawned.
   "What's all the commotion over here, did I break something I wasn't supposed to?"
   "Midoriya!" I went went up to him and gave him a hug.
   "You're okay right, That pretty boy didn't hurt you right buddy?"
   "Todoroki? No he didn't hurt me," Midoriya then pouted and crossed his arms,"though he was a little too adamant on me doing that punishment after loosing our game."
   "Aha! See I told you!" I gloated.
   "We still can't be too sure." Iida added in the chatter. "Iida's right. Midoriya, what was the punishment Todoroki made you do after you lost your guys's game?" Asked Aizawa.
   "It was terrible! I lost our game so he made me eat these horrible sour candies, and he said I was taking too long so he shoved it in my mouth. Then, he bought my one of my favorite gummy candies but only got them in the sour kind so I had to sit and suffer as Todoroki-Kun was taunting me saying 'I know you like these, too bad I got them sour'." Shouto wrapped his arms around Midoriya and Midoriya was pouting some more.
   "Ah Izu, are you still acting all butt hurt?" They were acting all lovey-dovey and even though I was wrong I was relieved I was.
   Since everything has calmed down, I heard the mention of sour candy, I had to investigate on that rumor.
   "So Midoriya, now that we know you're fine, I heard there was candy." He smirked and handed me a sack of sour candy.
   "You can gladly take these." I looked inside the snack and struck gold.
   "Wow! There are warheads, crybabies, and Toxic Waste! Thank you Midoriya!" I gave him another hug and that's when Aizawa had enwrapped me along with Sero in his weird scarf thing resulting me in dropping the snacks.
   "Since you guys have wasted my time with this false information you guys are serving detention. And I'm confiscating these warheads for teacher enjoyment purposes."
   "Nooo!" My body is not only being dragged by Aizawa, but also by shame. But at least it wasn't all bad because I got myself free candy. And the best one in the world. My acidic sweetheart of Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge.

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