My Snowman ⛄️🌨

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Before Note: This isn't one of my best works so I'll probably revamp it cause I have a better concept but I already finished it so... Happy Hanukkah 🕎

I was walking through the icy tundra clearing my head. the cold may seem intimidating but if you're out in the low temperatures, you realize how warm the fireplace is, and how warm hugs are. But I guess I wasn't the only person with the same idea because around fifty meters away, I saw a man. he was just standing there, looking as blue as the weather.
"Sir, what are you doing out here?" I came closer to him to see what wrong and the first thing I noticed was his icy glare giving me shivers.
"Are you okay?" He just proceeded to walk away.
"Wait, you look cold," I wrapped my scarf around him, "I mean you only have a winter Kimono on and I don't see any under layers." He looked at the scarf I gave him and asked.
"Won't you need it, you said that it's cold." I just smiled.
"That's okay, looks like you need it more." He started walking away once more.
"Thank you for the scarf, thoughI have never minded the cold, To be honest I find heat to be my enemy." He continued to walk away.
"Wait, what's your name-" and like that, he disappeared. I was looking down, and saw the name 'Shouto Todoroki' Huh, did he do that on purpose? I wonder...

I came here again today hoping I'd find my mystery man again. He looked so handsome, his skin was so pale, yet, he looked also lonely. I was losing hope for my snowman to appear, though I was loosing fore I was out for awhile and my hands were starting to feel numb. I was about to go home and there before eyes stood him in a different kimono, this time a blue kimono with snowflakes embroidered on it, reflecting the light where he seemed angelic, all I could do was stare at his other worldly beauty.
"I was hoping I'd find you here again. I'd came to return your scarf." He bowed and presented it to me perfectly folded. I laughed at his actions.
"What's with the formality, it's just me." He blushed and I found it cute.
"I didn't mean for you to get embarrassed, you just don't have to be so formal. Oh, and you can keep the scarf no worries." I gave him a smile and he excitedly grabbed me.
"You are very warm!" He smiled at me but he was cold at the touch, almost freezing.
"And you are very cold." I joked and he immediately let go.
"I apologize, I must've stayed out for too long. Excuse me, I will leave now." He quickly went away as he was gliding on the snow. I stood there in awe before realizing he was getting away.
"Wait!" I ran after him and caught onto the sleeve of his kimono and it got disheveled and I saw his chest reveal ice forming on his body and I gasped.
"Let me go!" He tried to get out of my grasp but I hugged him, he was freezing, more than the first time he touched me.
"Let me go, this instant!"
"No! Not until you tell me why every time I see you look so sad Todoroki!" He was trying to get me off harder .
"Did you see the ice forming on my body, I'm a Yuki Onna!" I slowly let him go.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have meddled, but I just can't just stand by when I see anyone sad." He looked at me stunned and then magically turned into snow and disappeared with the wind.
My curiosity which allured me to him, was the same reason he ran away, and I felt really bad. I just hope that he comes back so I can apologize, no grovel if I see him again.

I came to this same spot all week and he never came. I really messed up this, huh? I yelled out in frustration.
"IF YOU CAN HEAR ME I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW I'M SORRY! I BUTTED IN TOO MUCH WHEN I SHOULD'VE LEFT YOU ALONE WHEN YOU ASKED! I'm sorry, I won't pursue you anymore..." I plopped down in defeat on the ground watching the snow fall. I accepted my fate that I couldn't help someone and closed my eyes, basking in the sunlight which is rare during the winter months, getting comfortable and I feel something blocking the lights so I opened my eyes to reveal a curious Todoroki above me.
"T-Todoroki!" I immediately sat up in us bumping our heads. I held mine in pain and Todoroki apologized.
"I'm sorry Izu." He helped me up to my feet and I groaned.
"Ugh, thanks Todoroki, wait- how did you know my name?" He lifted up the scarf I gave him.
"It says Izu on it so I assume that your name."
"Oh." I found myself dumbfounded and he started to blushed.
"So, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for ignoring you all week, I just,didn't know how to understand my feelings. You see, I'be always tried to distance myself from people." I sat back down and he soon followed.
"Is that because you're a Yuki Onna?" He sighed.
"Yes and No, technically Yuki Onna is a Snow Woman and I'm a man. It's just that women in our society eat more than men when they're pregnant, so they need more life energy." I felt a bit nervous.
"So it's true, you really need to..."
"Feed off others life energy to survive." He finished my sentence.
"But don't worry, I won't suck the life out of you. I like you." I felt shocked and somewhat honored, but what he said raised suspicion.
"Does that mean, you've"
"Killed people before. I won't lie to you, I have to survive but aren't you people the same? Killing game as you call it." I grabbed his hand and he blushed again.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like that."
"It's okay, I'm sorry for running away. I'll be truthful with you and say that I am... scared." I held my grip to him tighter, reassuring him I won't run away.
"Why are you scared, do I scare you?"
"Yeah, a little bit, but I'm more concerned on what I can do to you if not careful."
"If you don't mind, can you tell me the reason why?" He took a deep sigh and spoke.
"I'm always self conscious cause my mother told me the story of a Yuki Onna that fell in love with a man and she wasn't aware of her powers and she embraced him for too long and he froze.  I cried like a child normally would and I ran to my room and hugged my snow rabbit and he froze. I was so scared of myself and my mother came to check on me, I told her to stay back but she came closer, icicles grew like stalactites, I hurt my own mom because I couldn't get a hold of my emotions." I was shocked, I almost didn't know what to say.
   "Thank you, for admitting this to me but," I came closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.
   "Isn't it nice to have someone to lean on, to tell your problems to." He looked at me and smiled.
   "Why are you so enamored with me I mean, you went out here for a week in freezing temperatures to apologize to me even though I told you that I'm a Snow Man and can feed off of your kinds energy and can freeze you to dealth? I almost find it funny." I smiled at him.
   "Answer me this, did my persistence pay off, your here with me right?" He smiled at me.
"Yeah you're right." He grabbed me and looked me, his touch only a little cold.
"I know this is sudden but can I try something?"
"Yes?" I questioned. I wasn't too certain. I closed my eyes in anticipation and I felt a pair of icy lips on my cheek but it somehow made me feel, warm inside. I looked at him awestruck.
"Todoroki..." he blushed and looked away.
"I'm sorry I just wanted to see what would happen, I'm glad you didn't freeze. I gave him a bear hug and said.
"I don't know what this is or what we are but can we discover this? We can support each other, and I won't run away no matter how low the temperatures drop, or how scared you get. I'll be by your side how long you need me cause I can't stand to see you sad." He smiled and said to me.
"That's a big commitment for someone you just met." I just smiled.
"I have an allure to you Shouto Todoroki. I'm guessing you do too, considering you came back." He laughed.
"I was just wondering why a human would torment himself with the cold." I shivered a bit.
"It's not that bad anyway. My home is not to far from the alps and the freshly laid snow is beautiful this time of year." It was getting kind of cold to me.
"You're shaking," he was about to touch me but stopped.
"Let me walk you home. You said it wasn't far far, no?" He helped me up and we walked to my home border of the alps but with him, I didn't bother the cold so much. With him time stopped and I didn't realize I was home.
"I'll see you tomorrow." I said and waved him goodbye. He grinned and waved me off.
I immediately warmed myself by hoping into the bathtub and I became all giddy. I can't believe I met a real Yuki Onna in real life! I was squirming around in delight. And he's so handsome and sweet, like a prince. Tho I wondered if I invaded too much. Only time can tell and I can't wait to discover where this goes.

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