Obsessed 😃

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Before Note: This is an alternative story to my main story 'Obsession| Tododeku' you don't have to read my main story to get grasp of this one though. Just a thought one of my readers shared to me. You know how you are 😎

Endeavor's POV
   'It's your turn now.' I look at Yagi on the T.V screen pointing at the viewers. Using the remainders of his power to fight off All for One.
   It's over. He's power is gone so he can no longer be a hero so that means...
   "DAMMIT!" I banged my fist on the table. I was supposed to beat you fair and square. To make you look at me succeeding you! I was going to be the one who was going to surpass you, blazing.
   Was all just a farce anyway? To believe that one day I can be better than him and to beat Yagi-San. Don't be stupid Enji, of course it was. Chasing that childish dream that I could achieve number one and not get it handed to me like some kind of used toy.
   I calm down and pinch the bridge of my nose in distraught. I can't believe it, no, I won't accept it that I'm number one! It's all over. I will never surpass him so what's the point.

   A week later Yagi-San formally announced that he was retiring and I still can't believe it and I wasn't the only one who thought that cause the crowd that came here today along with the press conference was just screaming that he'll always be their number 1 hero and insulting to say this, but I agree cause in his career I never got the chance to prove that I'm better than him. I went up to him, during the press conference  and told him,
   "You can't quit now Yagi, who will I get to surpass now?" He did his iconic All-Might laugh.
   "Why Todoroki-San don't be like that. I know you'll do an excellent job being a hero. Uphold the justice for me while I'm gone."
   Yagi..." I didn't know what to do except for bow to him, showing my final respect as a rival knowing that he had beaten me. I can't continue on like this. Three decades of dedication to beating him, and then get awarded this false position. It's more then I can handle, I don't want to be number one if it's like this.

   I went home after the ceremony loosening my tie, and a top of liquor drinking away at my study. This becoming somewhat of a routine me, right after my patrol coming home to my house to drink my liquor and it's been getting so bad the heroes administration put me on leave until they I get out my 'depressive state' The news is eating this up too. Headlights talking about,  'New Number 1 not celebrating higher ranking' 'Endeavor Depressed on All Might's Sudden Retirement' But to be all that honest, I don't care. They can talk all they like want too. It still won't change the fact that I can't accept I'm the New Number 1.

    It was another day finding myself that I had past out in my study and I heard a knock on the door.
   "Ah what do you want?" Then Yagi-San walked into the room.
   "Looks like you're not doing so hot. What drowned out the flame?"  I took another swig of the bottle.
   "Lame fire jokes haven't worked back then, and they won't work now." Yagi did a slight laugh and pulled up a chair.
   "Todoroki what you need is someone to get you out of your depressive slump. You know I'm always here as a friend Enji." I sighed and emptied the bottle before speaking to him.
   "I'm going to resign Yagi." He looked so shocked and detested.
   "You can't quit now Enji, It's only been half a year since my retirement. Hasn't this always been your goal to become number 1." I laughed.
   "You've always had more pure intentions than me Yagi, that's why I'm going to resign. I don't have that spark anymore. You were the reason I tried so hard to prove that I'm the best but you were just simply better and now that I don't have something to compare myself to or surpass, I have nothing." Yagi smiled and got up, grabbing his coat from the chair.
   "I really hope you find that thing that re-sparks your flame Enji. You have always been and always will be 'The Flame Hero'." He bowed then exited the room ushering a kid about the same age as Shouto, looked back at me and smiled. And I smiled back and questioned,
   "Yagi, who do you have with you, is that your kid?" He just smiled.
   "Nah, this is my young pupil Midoriya, I'm training him to become the new symbol of peace. But I'm still working out the kinks with this one." Yagi started ruffling Midoriya's hair and he giggled.
   "Bye Yagi." He waved me goodbye and started talking to this Midoriya kid. Seems like the jovial type. Maybe I should work with kids, but I'm not too good at that. Midoriya. I started to spin around in my chair thinking of the Mighty Meal Sized All Might. What a cute little fellow. And lucky for me, this wasn't the last time I saw him around.

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