"Garett!!" I closed my eyes and tried to avoid his lips..


Garett screamed in pain.

When I opened my eyes. Garett is now holding his crotch and in too much pain,kneeling on the ground. I noticed Chaeyoung standing beside me.

"If the girl says no, it's a no.."Chaeyoung said while looking down at kneeling Garrett.

"You!!" he tried stand up and punch Chaeyoung. But Chaeyoung acted to kick his ball again so he immediately stepped away. Bumping against his car.

"Just go home,Garrett.." I said."Or I'll call the securities. You don't want any mess like that,right?"

"You, will pay for this,midget.." He pointed at Chaeyoung who's staring at Garett angrily. She looks so serious. The first time I ever saw her like that. She looks so hot tho..

Garrett immediately got inside his car,almost wobbling bcoz probably his balls still hurts as fuck.

I held her hand."Calm down,Chaeng-ah..."

She turned to look at me. As if I spoke the magic number and her face soften.

Out of the blue.

All of a sudden

She pulled me towards her and hugged me tightly..

I was surprised.

But I just hugged her tightly.

She didn't speak any, she just kept hugging me for minutes. In front of my dorm building.

My heart thumping so fast. Like it's making me hyperventilate. I can even feel her heary also beats as fast as mine. I can hear it loud and clear.

It's like I heard a music over my head. I'm actually hearing a beautiful music inside my head. As I listen to our heartbeats..

"Came out of the blue
Girl, I had no clue until I met you
Always had my eyes on you
Still I wasn't able to see right through"

Our hearts harmonizing like they're one. This is so uncanny..

"We can bring it back to where we started
Pick up where we left off, you decided
Now's the time for me and you (me and you)
Now's the time for me and you, ooh, ooh
Oh, tell me I belong to you, belong to me (ooh, ooh)
Oh, you know there's no other place I'd rather be (ooh, ooh).. "

This is too much.

I wanna say those words.

But I'm afraid..

I'm afraid of rejection and I'm afraid of myself. Maybe she's just hugging me to comfort me. My anxiety is tru the roof!

What is this?!

"You came and everything just fell into place
At first, I thought that it was just anothеr mistake
We werе bound to meet again
This is not the way our story ends (nah, nah).."

Why am I feeling this kind of uncanny feeling. I'm loving it yet I'm so afraid of it.

We're like fools hugging under the full moon in the middle of darkness. Our only light is the one from the lamppost near us.

I don't wanna lose Chaeyoung.

I love her.

Yes I love her.

I don't want other,I want her.

"We can bring it back to where we started
Pick up where we left off, you decided
Now's the time for me and you (me and you)
Now's the time for me and you, ooh, ooh
Oh, tell me I belong to you, belong to me (belong to me)
Oh, you know there's no other place I'd rather be (rather be).."

"I-..." I was about to say it but she already moved and pulled away. She kissed me, not on my lips but she kissed my forehead. I never felt respected like this.

The way she kissed my forehead is like telling me that I should be treated the way I deserve to be treated.

I'm almost crying..

"Are you okay,now?" Chaeyoung asked as she caressed my face."That pervert really tried to harassed you..."

I smiled at her."Thank you.."

"I'm your hero.."She joked and she smilee widely showing her beauty dimple."I'm small but I'm terrible..."

"Cringe..."I teased her.

" What the hell, I am your savior " She acted offended. And it makes me laughed.

"Okay,You should go to your dorm, it's getting late.."She held my empty hand. Her palm's warmth is comforting.

We walked towards my the front door and ahe opened it..

"Hey, aren't you going to sleep in my door?" I asked coz she seem hesitant to follow me inside the dorm building.

"Well, of course I will.."She scratched her nape as she followed inside." But let me get something."

She ran outside and came back with a paper bag. What's that? Well,I'll find out.

"Why are you always acting like you're new here,huh?" I grabbed her hand and we both walked fast to the elevator door.


"Wait, so you really waited for me outside the dorm?" I asked as I opened the box of pastries the came from her Aunt."Wow,my favorites!"

I giggled when I saw the delicious pastries."Your Aunt is really nice to me.."

"Well, she really likes you more than me.."Chaeyoung joked as she leaned back at the couch. I immediately carry the box and sat beside her. She automatically put her arm around my shoulder. She turned the tv on.

"So you really were waiting for me under the tree like a creep?" ai asked again when I remember what we're talking about awhile ago.

"I'm too cute to be a creep,duh."

"Wow, so full of herself.."

"Well,I just took down a 6 feet tall asshole awhile ago.."

"He deserves it..."

Then I remember about tgw marriage.

I don't want to tell it to Chaeyoung. It's not important,anyways..

What's important is us being here,cuddling and watching our favorite series,eating delicious pastries. A simple yet magical life with her. The girl I love.

I won't trade this for anything.

I hope she loves me,too.

But, remember Minari, you're going to marry 2 years from now.. And Chaeyoung is just here to satisfy your physical desires..

I never planned to fall for her.

But as I said what's important is the present. I'll think about the future when it's already a present.

Whatever happens tomorrow, I don't care. All I want is here, being wrapped by her warm embrace.

Chaeyoung Im sorry if I'll choose to lie about it..


Music : Out of the Blue by RINI

Another fluff chapter. Lol


P.S didn't edit so sorry for grammatical errors and typos. I have dysgraphia. If anyone would make fun of some typos. I'll automatically mute/block you.

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