Forgiveness is just the start!

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A week passed.

Izuku growled as he was under constant watch of a teacher or a member of his team.

House arrest.

"Ugh!" Izuku yelled slamming his head against the wall.

He even deactivated his skill Tank so the blow would do more damage as Weiss drilled him on uses of dust.

"Pay attention." Weiss demanded and Izuku groaned again.

"Weiss you've been at this for over two hours!" He said.

"It's been less than twenty minutes." She denied.

"What!?" Izuku asked glaring at the clock.

He itched at the bandages that covered his broken arm and injured back.

"Ugh!" He whined.

Weiss slammed the book shut angrily.

"We wouldn't have to do it like this if you weren't a run risk!" She yelled.

"I'm not a run risk!" Izuku said. "I keep telling you I just needed to clear my head! Not only did you four not let me do that you fucking destroyed my arm and back!" Izuku took a deep breath and released it. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be blaming you Weiss."

She sighed and looked at her book.

"I know you aren't a run risk." She whispered. "But you keep... scaring me... us. You scare all of us so much. We care about you Izuku. And when you go on rants about how you don't care if you live or die it hurts me. Probably everyone else. We... love you Izuku. You're our family. No matter how annoying your antics are. And Yang was just in a rage cause she thought you were going to hurt Ruby. I know you weren't. But Talking to Yang would be a big help for your case."

Izuku sighed and nodded.

"Alright." He said. "Yeah I'll talk to Yang."

Weiss sighed and smiled.

+10 desire Weiss.

Izuku smiled at her.

"Alright let's continue." Weiss said reopening her book.

"Ugh!" Izuku whined. 

Weiss smiled with endearment.

Izuku watched Yang walk into the room.

Weiss nodded to Yang and went to her next class.

Both Izuku and Yang sat across from each other silently looking at one another.

It took a few minutes but Izuku spoke up.

"Yang..." Izuku said. "That was a bitch move."

"Yeah right!" Yang snapped back with a smirk. "I fucking wrecked your shit hard!"

"So hard in fact that, now that I can't use my semblance, I can't regenerate it back into place."

Yang's face went dark for a second with regret. She smiled after a second. "Your fault for trying to hit Ruby."

"We both know what I intended to do." Izuku said. "...What was it I did... That caused all of you to distrust me?"

"You can't trust someone you don't know." She mocked haughtily.

Izuku stood up and faced her.

She stood up and glared at him.

"What are you gonna do about it huh?" She asked as she got into his face.

Izuku the legendary Huntsman.Where stories live. Discover now