Telling the... Truth? Very very slightly.

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Izuku Midoriya: Level 83! 

Title: Ozpin's apprentice/Co-leader of Team RWBY... RWBIY.

x2 Intelligence x2 Wisdom X2 Strength.

Strength:290 (870) 
Perception:100 (150)
Endurance:104 (158)
Intelligence:143 (286)
Agility:202 (606) 
Luck:180 (540)
Vitality:200 (600)
Wisdom: 286 (2240)

Passive effects.

Steel muscles. Your base strength stat is over one hundred.

(+ .5 overall strength.)

Wise man. Your base wisdom stat is over one hundred.

(x2 multiplier to overall wisdom.)

Dice: v3

You have more than two hundred luck!? How!

x3 to your luck stat. Lucky you.

Aura heal.

Active effects!

Aura armor!

Aura level 65!


Thief's touch. (Lv63.)

A thief's hand allows you to steal from someone's pockets with a 95% chance of succeeding.

Stealth. (Lv76.)

When you use stealth you are less likely to be detected by 97%, costs (1) MP (Per 8 Minutes.) Attacks dealt while in stealth deal 4.5 x damage.

Izuku woke up and blinked the images away.

"Uhn." Izuku groaned. Opening his eyes he looked around. 

"You have been stricken with Exhaustion. Nausea is common."

'Yeah fuck you as well.' Izuku thought. 

"What... what happened?" He looked around. 

"You drained you magic." A voice said and he stiffened. 

Turning he saw Ozpin, Qrow, and Glynda standing there.

"Huh?" He faced the three of them. "How did I-" He gasped and grabbed his head in pain as memories flooded back into his mind. 

He lied back onto the cot given. 

"UGH!" He cried. "Is this what a hangover feels like Qrow?" Pain flowed through his body. 

What happened to his pain resistance huh?!

'What happened when I blacked out?' He asked himself. 

"Cinder!" Izuku said sitting back up. "That's right!" He looked at the three of them. "W-What happened to Cinder and her team?"

"... Due to the damage you caused to them they had to return back to Haven." Ozpin said. "They wont be able to return in time for the Vytal Festival."

Izuku sighed in relief. 

'I still haven't gotten any rewards though.' He thought to himself. 'She might come back. Either that Or I'll get it after the Vytal festival.' 

"Do you have anything you wish to tell us?" Glynda asked in a soft voice.

'Okay...? That's new.' Izuku thought as he heard the tone. "Am I in some sort of trouble?" He asked. 

"Not legally." Ozpin said. "But... Yes... yes you are."

Izuku the legendary Huntsman.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu