"You'll see. Now hop in my car."

I did as I was told, for once, and got in his car.

We drove off.

"Now tell me your story." He said.

"My what?"

"Your story."

"Well, I came to Ireland about six years ago..."

"No, not that story. Tell me your story."

"Um, well, there's not much to tell."

"Of course there is."

"Well we might not have time, it's pretty long."

"Trust me, where we're going, you'll have enough time."

"Okay, I have a mom, a dad, and a sister. We lived in a few apartments when I was 1-2, then we moved into a real house. I thought it was big until I was 13 and saw that the one we were living in then was way bigger than that older one. I was in-and-out of schools because of my beliefs...and mostly my mouth."

"What did you say?"

"Stuff like, Buddha was a name for a fat dude and if I was a Hindu I would be worshipping my crap, because they worship everything."

"At least you weren't afraid to speak your mind."

"Sure, I woulda gone with I had too small of a face for such a big mouth. Anyways, my teachers always said I was smart, but my friends always said I had a cheat sheet of the test on YouTube."

"Did you? Not to be rude though."

"Oh I couldn't blame you, but I never did. I always had sayings like for Kilo, Hecto, Deca, Unit, Deci, Centi, and Mili. I always used the first letter for stuff. King Henry Died Unfortunately Drinking Chocolate Milk."

He sat there figuring it out.

"Oh now I get it. Clever."

"Exactly, but my mom and dad made me grow up and not use those sayings. Then I started failing. So, I secretly studied with my best friend, Riley Palermo. She's American but her family's 100% Italian."

"Is that your friend that came over for Christmas two years ago?"


"She's hilarious."

"I know. Our teachers always told us to grow up. Besides Mrs. Peek, she told us to stay ourselves and not worry about what the other teachers say."

"Sounds like you had some good teachers."

"That was after I went to all the public schools and I had to go to a private school. Private school teachers are nice. Well, Mrs. Peek was. Anyways. I studied with Riley for the next three years and I came here when I was seventeen."

"That young?"


"Wow, how old are you now?"

"Let's see...Chloe's almost 24 and that makes me...21."

"You guys are three years apart?"

"No, we're two years apart. She has an early birthday. Now, you get to tell me your story."

"You know my story."

"True, I just wanna here you talk."

"I think you only love Elli because she has a Irish accent."

"Probably, but I like you for you."

He looked over at me and smiled.

"Okay we're here."

A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now