Chapter 13 - Faded Away

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I stood there nervously with the three roses in my hand. I was nervous as hell because I didn't know what will happen to me once I do this. Everything I did, every single bad thing would come back to me but hearing those words from Parker gave me a sense a comfort. I took a deep breath and finally did it.

 Instantly I regretted the decision I made because every single scream of every person I killed started playing like a record in my head. It was too loud and it was too hard to bear. I covered my ears with my hands and the roses fell down to the ground. Never in my life I have had all these mixed emotions curling inside of me wanting to break out. It all felt like an endless suffering. I wanted to scream, I wanted to shout and hell, I wanted to yell but nothing came out of my mouth. All I could do is cry and let is all out because its killing me inside.

My whole life flashed by my eyes, all the bad things I've done and the people I've killed

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My whole life flashed by my eyes, all the bad things I've done and the people I've killed. Yes, I've killed many but never did I think of who would suffer from their deaths. I never ever cared for anyone, not for even one single soul. I just kill people and leave them for dead, in their eyes I was a monster. A monster that did not care for the people who she hurts. I remember every single person I've killed, would look me in my eyes with fear and sorrow. Many people suffered because of me, Thorn Will lost many of their citizens because of me. I've made people hurt even without touching them but by touching the one they love. At this very moment I wanted it all to end. I really wish I could turn back time just to stop myself from doing all those things but I couldn't. 

Parker walked in front of me and hugged me as I cried onto his shoulders. I have never cried in front of someone because I thought that people would see me as a weak person. "Take all the pain away please!" I cried out loud. Parker leaned in closer and kissed my forehead. All of a sudden the voices stopped as if someone had just turned off a annoying song. I looked up at Parker confused. He was starting to fade away with a worried look in his eyes.

 "W-where a-are you g-going?" I asked. He didn't answer me instead he cupped my face in his hands and smiled, not the happy smile but a sad looking smile.

 "I never got to say this to you but... I love you Ayla, I did ever since I laid my eyes on you. I am sorry I didn't say this to you before, I just wished we had more time together," Parker answered with tears filling up in his eyes. 

I was confused by what was happening but Parker's words all felt like a goodbye. "What's going on?" I asked.

 "I sacrificed myself to save you not just because I am your guardian but because I can't bear to loose you," Parker replied and he started fading quicker by the second. 

"W-what? No you can't go away please you can't," I pleaded with tears flooding my eyes.

 I couldn't believe someone would even risk their own life to protect me. Parker stood by my side and guided me through everything and now he was leaving. I couldn't loose him, not now not ever. He could've just let me die not risk his own. 

"I-I love you too Parker," I stuttered. "Don't forget about me Ayla," Parker whispered in tears and faded away into the unknown. My whole life I never had anyone who cared for me but when I did get one, the universe decides to tear it apart. I was wrong at first, those those screams in my head, they weren't the endless suffering, this was. I fell onto my knees crying loudly and pleading for him to come back. Even when I was with no humanity I couldn't deny the feelings I had for Parker, I never could.

A door appeared in front of me. At first I came here with Parker and now I am leaving without him. I hoped it was all a joke but it was not, nothing was. Maybe we weren't meant to be together or maybe we were but all I do know is that I liked myself better when I was with him. He made me feel whole even without humanity. I just wish that we could've gotten some more time together but nothing lasts forever does it? 


Two Years Later,

It's been two whole years without Parker and I am still surviving while suffering in hell. I stayed at Thorn Will just to keep his memory alive even if he wasn't really alive. He was a person, he was alive but not physically. A lot happened in the past two years. The Vampire Coven finally accepted me as I was the first and last person to recover the three roses and reunite all kinds but I knew I couldn't have done it all by myself. The roses are now locked away hidden from the unknown. I stopped killing people for blood instead now I use blood bags from the hospitals. Everyone praises me for reuniting every kind but inside me I feel empty. Sometimes I just wish he was here you know? So I could tell him how much I needed him and how much I missed him. I miss his beautiful angelic smile but mostly I miss the feeling he gave me. I know this all sounds cheesy and all but that's what love does to you, love makes you feel special. Love is what keeps life going. 

I was on my way to school as it was the last day before graduating with my friends. Yes you heard me right, friends. I grew closer to my friends at school and because of that I felt more human. I had stopped my vampire ways but that didn't mean I didn't kill anyone. I killed only the people who deserved it, only the people who didn't respect life. 


I was in my class just jotting down some notes when I heard something weird.

"Remember me."

It was the exact thing that Parker said to me right before he faded away. I ignored it because I thought my mind might be playing tricks with me. I didn't hear anything after that so eventually I forgot about it. My friends and I stayed afterschool for a project. We were talking and talking when I heard the same thing again.

"Remember me."

I asked my friends if they heard it too but they all shook their heads. This was getting way too creepy and weird. Was someone else playing tricks on me? I ignored it and continued the work. But I couldn't concentrate because I heard the same thing over and over again. Excusing myself I went in search to find this particular voice. It grew louder at every step I took so I knew I was getting closer. 

All of a sudden I found myself in the same hallway where Parker and I first met each other. I looked around and the voice disappeared. This was way too creepy for me. I turned around to leave but that's when I saw Parker standing just a few meters away from me. He had this soft sad smile on his face. I was shocked and confused but most of all I was overwhelmed. This wasn't real was it? Is he really here? But it was impossible because he died right in front of me but now he is here. I didn't know what to do instead tears flooded in my eyes. He walked towards me and waved to me and I waved back. His eyes widened the second I waved back at him.

"You can see me?" he asked with his eyes filled with confusion....


                                                                                 - THE END -


Author's Note

I don't know if any of you actually noticed while reading the last sentence but that is the same exact thing what Parker said to Ayla when he first met her in the hallway that night. 

Hope you all enjoyed reading! Await for my new story 'Not Your Princess' coming out soon. Love you all and stay safe!

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