Chapter 6 - First Original Hybrid

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Author's Note

Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying. Just wanted to say something before you start, please note that the upcoming character is NOT owned by me.


The young man had curled dirty blond hair and dark blue-green eyes with pearl-white skin. He had a rather delicate and masculine face along with a perfect jawline. He wore a light red shirt with a black leather jacket.

"Klaus Mickaelson," I muttered as I recognized him straight away. 

"You've heard of me, fantastic," he said with a wicked and devilish smile. 

Klaus Mickaelson was the first Original Hybrid,  he is literally famous in all kinds in life and also in death

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Klaus Mickaelson was the first Original Hybrid,  he is literally famous in all kinds in life and also in death. He has six other siblings but Klaus is the only one who is most feared throughout the world. Sadly he died sacrificing himself to save his own daughter. 

"Where am I?" I asked still focusing my eyes to see if I was just dreaming. 

"You are in the Other Side of the realm," he replied.

"I am in the what now? Did I die?" I asked as I started to panic.

"Of course not, I brought you here," Klaus answered as he looked into my eyes. 

"W-why?" I stuttered as I tried to look away but couldn't.

"You are the last alive hybrid and I want to keep it that way," he said and looked around.

 "How? Everyone is hunting me," I muttered and he moved his eyes back to mine. 

"They want your power, you are more powerful than you think. The only thing I can say is hunt or be hunted," Klaus said as he faded away.

"Wait! Don't go!" I shouted but I was too late, he was already gone. Everything around me started fading away and eventually everything went black. 

I opened my eyes to find myself back at the dark forest. I was laying on the grass so I stood up as my eyes focused on the surroundings. The moon was glowing and the night sky was patched with stars. Was it all a dream? Did I actually meet the First Original Hybrid? Still confused I started running back home. Witches hated my kind so I knew going to see one was dangerous for me. 


After hours of running I finally made it back safely. Thankfully Parker was nowhere to be seen because he is the last person I would want to see right now. I made my way to the shower where I rinsed off all the mud off of me. Refreshed, I went to bed still having Klaus's words stuck on my mind. 

Next morning I woke up and I had so many questions in my head, but no one has the answer for all those questions except for Klaus Mickaelson. I dragged myself to the washroom to refresh. When I came back after a wash, Parker was sitting on my bed with his arms crossed. 

"What do you want?" I spoke as I sighed in disappointment.

"You came to the Other Side, why? How?" Parker asked as he stood up.

"What's the matter with you? What's with all these questions?" I asked confused by his words. How did he know? How did I know that I went to the Other Side?

"I was worried about you after you stormed out of the room," he replied with a sad expression.

"You don't have to worry about me, I took care of myself for centuries," I said. 

Parker just stood there with the same expression on his face. All of a sudden he fell down unconscious. Were ghosts supposed to do that? Panicking at the thought of something might be happening to him I went closer to him. I knew I couldn't touch him, only hear and see him so I had nothing to do to make him wake up. 

One minute passed.....two minutes passed....three.....four.....five, but Parker didn't open his eyes. "Parker? Wake up," I muttered and I got no response. I started panicking at the thought of loosing him and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Really? Him?" a familiar voice said. I turned around slowly to find Klaus behind me looking down at Parker. I stood up in shock. Is he really here or is this a dream? Am I still asleep?

"This is real, he fell unconscious because of me," Klaus muttered as he knelt down beside Parker. Klaus kept his hand over Parker for a minute or two. All of a sudden Parker sat up eyes wide open. "What happened?" Parker asked as he stood up with the help of Klaus. 

"Parker this is...." I spoke before I was interrupted by Parker. "Klaus Mickaelson," Parker whispered under his breath. 

"We've met before but really, him? Why did you choose him?" Klaus asked as he turned to me.

 "What do you mean? I didn't choose him" I asked utterly confused by what was happening. 

"You didn't tell her did you?" Klaus replied as he turned to Parker. 

"Tell me what?" I asked. 

"Parker over here is not an actual ghost, he is like your guardian. He was never human," Klaus answered. I was confused, what was happening? 

"Everything I told you was a lie, I was never killed and those people you almost killed weren't my parents," Parker blurted out in a split second. What the heck was going on? I almost killed innocent people for no reason. 

"Hybrids has to choose their own guardian once they turn 100," Klaus said. 

"But I didn't choose him," I muttered so confused. 

"Hmm....seems like you are the chosen one," Klaus spoke as he turned to me.


Author's note

I enjoyed writing this chapter because I included one of my all time favorites, Klaus Mickaelson. If you haven't heard of him(which means you've been living under a rock this whole time) check out his story The Originals on Netflix or on any other movie streaming platform.

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