Chapter 7 - Chosen One

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"Hmm....seems like you are the chosen one," Klaus spoke as he turned to me.

"Chosen One? What?" I asked confused.

"You underestimate your power, why are you even running from everything?" Klaus asked with a devilish smile.

"Maybe because everyone is trying to kill me. What is going on here?" I muttered.

"You don't know how powerful you are, you have the power of a Chosen One. The power everyone is after," Parker answered as he focused his eyes on mine.

"You lied to me ever since I met you, how can I believe a word you are saying right now?" I asked.

"If you don't believe me,  at least believe him," Parker replied nudging his head towards Klaus.

"Ayla, you are so powerful, you can destroy this whole world in just a split second," Klaus said as he walked closer to me. 

"D-destroy? So a-are you saying that a-all this time I've been running for no reason?" I stuttered quite surprised. 

"Well yeah, but it's good that you ran away. They would've tried to kill you to get your power," Parker answered.

I was so confused. I've been running my whole life but I was running for no reason. Everyone feared me because of my power, because of what I can do. This whole time Parker knew all about this and didn't even utter a word about it to me. All this time he had lied to me, making me believe that he was just a ghost who had been killed because of his own parents. But he doesn't even have parents, he was never even human. 

"Say something," Parker said with a look of concern.

"Listen Ayla, the only way to unlock that power is to turn on your humanity," Klaus muttered as he kept his hand on my shoulder. And as he did that chills ran down my spine.

"Wait how are you doing that?" Parker asked surprised. "I learned it idiot," Klaus replied with an annoyed tone.

"We have to leave right now but remember if they find you, you will have to turn it on," Klaus muttered as he faded away.

"Ayla, if you need anything just call out my name. I'm sorry that I lied to you, I never wanted to," Parker said and he faded away too leaving me alone in my room.

I didn't bother to go to school because of the exhausting morning I  just had. Instead I did what I enjoyed to do the most to take my mind off of problems which is to kill. I dedicated all my free time into finding who the killer was. I was grateful for his cooperation by helping me find food easily but it got quite boring without having to do something interesting. 

I didn't go off drinking from humans, I drank from animals instead because of what happened that day when I lost control of my vampire side. I kept on thinking about what Klaus said, I had to turn on my humanity but I knew if I did that I wouldn't be able to handle it because of all the things I had done. 

With problems full in my head I reached out to Parker. I had many questions which only he knew the answers to. 

"I thought you hated me," Parker said as he suddenly appeared in front of me.

"I do but.....I am willing to listen to you," I said sitting down on my couch.

"Well what do you want to know?" he asked sitting beside me. 

Silence grew through the room as we stared into each other's eyes. It felt like a daydream gazing into his eyes. He felt real and because of him I felt real. He makes me feel different, yes I feel annoyed sometimes but he is so sweet and kind sometimes. The days we hung out together was amazing, I felt different around him. He reached out to me when I was fighting a war and healed my scars with one single look. 

"How are you my guardian? What is this Chosen One?" I asked breaking the awkward silence. 

"Well we believe that the Chosen One is the only one who can protect and destroy the universe, he or she who has that power is blessed by the Gods themselves. I am your guardian because you chose me or rather the Gods chose me to guide you," Parker replied.

"So what happens after you guide me?" I asked. Parker opened his mouth to speak but didn't. 

"Tell me, is it something good?" I asked eagerly wanting to know what was going to happen. 

"We don't know about it," he replied with a sigh. "What do we do now?" I asked. 

"All we have to do now is collect three roses," he answered with a look of concern. 

"Roses? That's it?" I asked in disappointment.

 "Blue, Purple and Pink," he replied. 

"Ok then what? Nothing interesting?" I asked hoping he was just joking. 

"After that you have to hold them together and turn on your humanity for good," he answered looking serious. 

"What happens then?" I asked out of curiosity. 

"You are a vampire werewolf hybrid and you are also the Chosen One so that means you won't blow up this world and end humanity," he replied. "Well that's....great I guess," I spoke uncomfortably. 

"So how do we find these roses?" I asked. Parker kept quiet with doubt filled in his eyes. 

"You don't know," I answered with a sigh of disappointment. 

"I think Klaus might know the answer to this, but all I do know is that no Chosen One succeeded in finding the three roses," he muttered. 

"Ok forget about that for a minute, so you were never human? You were never really alive?" I asked and Parker shook his head which made me feel kind of bad for him.

Parker stood up and held out his hand to me. "Come I want to show you something," he said with a smile. 

"But I can't actually hold your hand," I uttered as I stood up.

 "I learned a few tricks from Klaus," he answered. I slowly kept my hand on his and it didn't go through but it did send chills down my spine. He led me to my room door and opened it. I was surprised of what I found, it was not the hallway of my house instead it was........

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