Chapter 1 - Abandoned

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Cold wind brushed against my skin as I sped through the cold, dark forest. I was running at an incredible speed that even a normal vampire would see me as a blur. It was the perks of being a hybrid, not the first but definitely the last.

 It was the perks of being a hybrid, not the first but definitely the last

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 I had been running for my whole life and I've had enough. Right now I am just searching for a place to call home. Abandoned by my own parents, I really never had a place to call it my home, yeah you heard me right: abandoned. I have gotten used to the fact that I would never have loving parents like all the others.

 Throughout my whole life, I had seen many families, many loving parents but also the opposites as well. Never really having people who loved  and cared for me really affected me, I had grown to be ruthless but that was the only way I knew because I didn't have parents to teach me what was right and wrong. Maybe I did some really bad things in my past life to deserve a life like this, a life without love nor humanity. I had turned off my humanity centuries ago because I didn't want to feel any.....emotions which I knew were deep inside me. Emotions can make you weak, can make you feel worthless, can make you feel more.....human. 

After a few more hours of running I finally reached my destination. I sighed at the beautiful sight of my new or for the time being home, Thorn Wills. No one knew who or what I was so it was the perfect place to start fresh, for now at least. I had to find a place quickly before any vampires recognize my scent. The vampire coven turned against me centuries ago as I was more powerful than anyone else. To my luck I found a place to stay with the money I've collected throughout my life. 


Fast forward to two days,

Its been two days since I've arrived at Thorn Will. Everyone was so 'welcoming' by letting me drink their blood.  Today was the day I finally started to go to high school. Repeating high school for the third time is exhausting but I had to act normal

I walked down the street to my new school because I didn't have any sort of vehicle with me. They had school buses, but I knew if I get in one, someone might end up dead. Finally after walking for about 15 minutes I arrived at my school, Thorn Wills High School. The entrance was crowded with students, some were talking to each other, some were in their phones and the others were playing and joking around. I used my lungs to breathe even though I didn't need to because I wanted everyone to see that I was just like them. I found my way to the principal's office to the orientation. 

After the principal handed me my timetable, I went to my first class, psychology. I sat down at the far end of the class because I didn't want any humans to sit with me which would normally end up by me killing them. Since I had been repeating high school for the third time, I  pretty much knew everything. 

A male but not too old teacher entered the classroom silencing the whole class. The teacher had a stern look on his face which gave off weird vibes off of him. 

"Ok everyone lets start our second lesson for the day," he said with a serious tone. 

The class continued and I was the only one who answered every question the teacher gave. He was surely surprised and so were everyone else in the class. I had already read the teacher's mind and he was mad but a bit impressed. After class he wanted to have a chat with me which I didn't really have the time to because I was starving for blood. I ended up drinking from him and left him to die. Satisfied, I went to my next class but eventually we had to evacuate because of my little stunt. 

The police was called in and they surrounded the whole school. The body of Mr. Michael aka the teacher I killed was taken to the hospital to examine the cause of his death. Since this was a small town, an incident like this spreads throughout the town like wildfire. First day of school was a disaster but I quite enjoyed everything. Eventually every student was sent home and the school was shut down due to inspection. I know what you all might be thinking by now, what am I going to do if they find out if the killer is me?  Well, I am not worried because no one will find out unless there is a vampire among us. 


Author's note

Please make sure to vote for my story. Thank you and stay safe!

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